Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New! Improved!

That would be Weather Underground's new look...

I like it.  All of my weather screencaps originate with Wunderground.  I used to be a Weather Channel kinda guy... both teevee and web site... but I quit when TWC hired that insufferable scold DOCTOR Heidi Cullen.  From a post I put up in November of 2006:
Oh, and for the folks at The Weather Channel: stick to your knitting and spare us the global warming sermons. You’re very good at what you do, which is weather reporting. On the other hand, I find Dr. Heidi Cullen, Climate Expert, (ed: dead link mainly coz TWC fired her ass) and her "commentary" annoying as all get-out. Stop it.
I dropped out of the Weather Channel fan club shortly after that.


  1. I use both ...don't watch TWC, though.
    Listening to ...and watching ...weather reports bores me (except when Chita Johnson was the local).

    1. There was a time in the near wayback when I'd watch TWC for hours and hours, believe it or don't. Think: Chita Johnson, by another name.

  2. I use the Weather Channel app occasionally, but lately I seem to be relying on local (both LR and NOLA) tv station apps. Less extraneous BS.

    1. I prolly should look at my local teevee apps. But my "local" stations are in Amarillo... so that's not much help.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.