Thursday, January 23, 2014

We'll Be Indoors If You Want Us

That's mainly coz Ol' Man Winter has decided to put in a brief appearance here on The High Plains o' New Mexico...

"Aiiieee!"... to coin a phrase.  We'll be back to normal tomorrow, though.  Supposedly.  So it's not all THAT bad.


  1. Damn! When did Portales get moved to Maine?

    1. We get just enough winter to remind me why I don't live Up Nawth any longer.

  2. It's 5 degrees here right now; it's supposed to go below zero tonite. I just don't feel like I'll ever be warm...

  3. Balmy! You probably haven't even looked for your slippers yet.

    1. I didn't need to look for the slippers... I've worn 'em just about every day since mid-November. The bedroom and the study are the only rooms in the house that are carpeted, the other rooms all have ceramic tile floors... which are damned cold on bare feet in winter no matter what the outdoor temps are.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.