Sunday, August 11, 2013

It Came From the Twitterverse

Well, they came from the Twitterverse... to be grammatically correct... a couple o' pics that caught my eye.  First:  "Hey!  I know!  We'll get married at the arena!"

h/t to John Buccigross

And so they did.  There's no word about what happened after the puck was dropped.  But, Hey!  Hockey as a metaphor for marriage?  Perfect.

This is just beautiful...

h/t to Earth Pics

I can't imagine a place any MORE different than where I live.  This village in Norway is exquisitely verdant, sits on the water, has mountains in its backyard, and looks pretty cool, temp wise.  Compare:

h/t to me

Well, we're pretty cool, too.  Sometimes.


  1. That is the Michigan Tech arena in Houghton, MI up in the UP.

    1. Yup! I haven't been to the hockey barn, but I have been to Houghton. In the summer. ;-)

  2. The Norwegian fjords have been on my bucket list for years. Maybe one day...

    1. I'd like to see the fjords, too... but I'm 99% sure I won't make it.

  3. Carpe diem!

    Lovely in the summer from the looks of it. I heard from my sister who wintered over in Oslo that it isn't so bad there even in the winter.

    1. Everything I've ever heard about the Scandinavian countries has been good. Well, maybe I've heard some "interesting" things about Finland concerning alcoholism and depression, but those would be the only negative things.

  4. As I learn more about new digital photography tricks I'm pretty sure that pic from Norway is HDR - High Digital Resolution. Multiple images are taken of the same spot, metering on different locations. You then layer the images together using PhotoShop or LightRoom, giving that intense coloring. Which is not to say the Norway spot isn't beautiful, it is. But I suspect some of that lush green and the vibrant building colors owe as much to HDR techniques as they do to the location itself.

  5. Michigan Tech I spent a year there one semester.....Men/Wimmens ratio was 13-1. Too cold for this bear.

    1. That was about the ratio of men:wimmen at Notre Dame when my ex- was there. She didn't seem to have a problem with that. ;-)


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