Friday, July 26, 2013

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

We called Happy Hour early today... some might say it was a Liquid Lunch and I wouldn't argue... partly coz we embarked on the day at an ungodly hour (see below) but mostly coz we CAN. Our soundtrack was provided by RP again, coz it's just too damned hot outdoors to open up the house and play our own music.  We were pleased, indeed, to hear two Dylan covers and an original as we sipped our first brew o' the day... like this (those times are PDT, just in case ya don't know):

All three of those tunes are favorites, some less so than others.  But I was struck by this most-excellent cover of "Buckets" by Neko Case:

I've posted the song before, but it was Bobby's original version.  I also got some sensitive body parts caught in the wringer for comments I made on that post, so we'll refrain from commenting further... except to say Ms. Case does an excellent job on the tune.

But I won't take it back.
With apologies to Skip, for stealin' his formatting tricks.


  1. I will refrain from commenting on "wedding tackle" meet "wringer". I remember that post. I followed the link, saw it and said "whoa". Bounced outta there PDQ.

    Skip does have some mad formatting skilz, don't he?

    1. Yeah, that old post made for a VERY interesting evening, given the bitching in the comments turned into a couple o' hours of off-line exchanges. Interesting, but not much fun.

  2. No apologies necessary.
    I own none of that.
    ...and mad is a good description.

    1. But you're the first one to USE that!

  3. Hmmm....I like Neko Case. Had never heard of her before and will have to investigate further. Thank you for that!

  4. I like Dylan's version better than the Byrds'. But all three tunes in a row were nice to hear.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.