Thursday, July 04, 2013

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

In honor o' the day...

I stepped out smartly... in formation... to The Washington Post March and The Stars and Stripes Forever more than a few times back in the day and those tunes by Sousa NEVER fail to raise the hair on my arms, even to this day.  So, we're listenin' to the John Philip Sousa station on Pandora today and enjoying these... and other... patriotic tunes.  Yeah, I'm crazy like that.


  1. Happy Fourth! The mountains are pretty nice. Did the parade, ate BBQ, saw good old friends - nice fourth.

  2. I have an entire album of Sousa marches by the Boston Pops... but I gotta keep things kinda quiet around here for the time being.

  3. For my little hairs it was the immediate opening to parade the colors music. When the flag moved the horn played.

  4. Funny thing - I knew the great-grandson of John Phillips Sousa. He went by that full name to guarantee name recognition. He worked at the same Fortune 100 company as I did years ago and a more arrogant man you'd never meet. Fully aware of his family's legacy and totally unafraid to tell you about it. I recall once being at a public concert for the 4th of July, sitting at a table sponsored by the company, only to have a Sousa compilation be played with full acknowledgement to the family member sitting at the table.

    Ugh - turned me off Sousa for a long time.

    1. That would've turned me right off, too.


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