Friday, July 05, 2013

Coffee Break's Over... Back On Yer Heads

The punch line from a joke that's ALMOST as old as me, but it applies to this:

We had a brief respite from triple digit heat this week, which ended yesterday when our high was a rather balmy-feeling 84 degrees.  No more, and it ain't a DRY heat, neither.  I was just outdoors and it sure feels like the humidity is higher than specified above.  I know, I KNOW... some people would kill for 33% humidity.  

Go on... you can say it: "Poor Baby."


  1. I know that joke. I love that joke.

    Your weather? Not so much.

    1. I love that ol' joke, too. And my WX? Not so much. ;-)

  2. I think that's why it is sometimes referred to as relative humidity.

    It's all related to that which you are accustomed.

    25% is high for us.
    50% is low for Detroit.
    Then there's the tropics.

    1. I do believe the most miserable summers in my life were spent in Dee-troit. Summer there is a classic case o' "ya hadda be there" to understand. I've been in the tropics during the summer, too, but there ain't much difference between the seasons there: the WX is ALWAYS hot.

  3. Na, I liked summers in Detroit. I worked at the marina at Selfridge and we had air conditioning in our MWR trailer by the lake :)
    Did you hear about the penguin that was driving through your neck of the woods last year? He had car trouble and had a mechanic look at his car while he went to the supermarket to cool off in the freezer section.....

    1. I have a story about a non-air conditioned house in Dee-troit, a wife, and knock-down, drag-out fights over whether or not to spend the money on central air. She relented after one summer.

      In re: the penguin. Heh.


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