Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We Don't Talk About It


Another thing we prolly shouldn't talk abut but do:  Today is The Second Mrs. Pennington's birthday.  It's hard to believe that nineteen year old girl I fell in love with in Tokyo these many years ago turns 57 today.  Time DOES fly, even if you're not having fun.  Happy Birthday, Paula.

The birthday girl, age 19.


  1. "Time DOES fly..."

    LOL. This year for the first time in memory, we BOTH forgot our wedding anniversary--our fortieth--as she was busy packing to leave her temp nursing assignment in Berkley, turn the rental in, drive from where she was staying in Alameda to SF and fly home, while I was busy getting the place in order after "batching" it. It was only a couple of days ago that we remembered! LOL! (File under the heading of : Been married waaay too long, lol) We both laughed our you-know-whats off..

    1. I can honestly say I NEVER forgot our anniversary while TSMP and I were married. The consequences were just too horrible to contemplate. ;-)

  2. Happy Birthday, Paula. Time does fly, no matter the fun.


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