Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Apropos o' Not Much

Oh, Man... is it BEAUTIFUL outdoors!  Witness:

We've already set a record for this day, as shown below.

I gotta send Sheik al-Gore a thank-you note.  Coz we're lovin' this Global Warming... err... climate change... stuff.  Yes indeedy, we most certainly ARE.


  1. High today in little Rhody was 19. It's supposed to soar into the low 20's tomorrow.


    Enjoy your weather Buck. You bastid.

  2. Today we had sunshine and 46, not too bad. Tomorrow's high is 34--cold, but still sunny. Then Friday we get my TN winter favorite, ICY MIX and a thermometer reading bouncing around the freeze mark.

    And Buck, I'm most happy to see that you're giving our former senator from TN his due...He is indeed a Sheik now, but his name has changed. It's Al Gorzeera.

  3. I had lunch with Jesse yesterday in WF at Atlanta Bread. We ate outside - it was perfect weather.

  4. I feel for all y'all (except Lou). Today is gonna be a carbon copy of yesterday, so we'll take it.

    @Dan: Nice one about Fat Albert. But isn't he out of the teevee loop now?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.