Monday, December 10, 2012

The View Out the Front Door This Morning

Aiiieee!  That WHITE STUFF!  It's FROZEN!  It's also 25 degrees outside, up from 13 when I went to bed at 0300 hrs... with single-digit wind chills.  Our high is supposed to be 41 today.

T'is the season, and all that.


  1. Except for the sunshine, that's remarkably similar to what it looked like around here this morning. . .

    1. Which is why I don't live in Meesh-ee-gan any longer. It looked liked this too much o' the time, without, as you note, the bennies of sunshine. ;-)

    2. But we have hockey. . .

      Oh, wait. . . never mind. . .

  2. I wish I could go outside and enjoy the sunshine we're suffering here. But I'm sorta preoccupied. Right now it's 64 up north in Anderson.

  3. Man, 13 is cold. And snow! I just got in from an errand and thought it was cold here at 38 with a wind. But at least you don't have a wind out their on the mesa. :-)

  4. Such odd weather all over. It was in the 50s today here in New England and should be down in the low 40s by Wednesday. Snow is in the long-range forecast for next week. In the meantime, it's warmer than it should be and I don't like it.

  5. What Kris said. Portales looks more New England than New England does right now.

  6. We had snow this morning, too. The wind howled last night and brought some pretty cold temps. I didn't notice :)


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