Sunday, September 16, 2012

Not So Stoic This Time

There's this, for starters:
1. Indifference to pleasure or pain; impassiveness.
2. Stoicism The doctrines or philosophy of the Stoics.
I've never been indifferent to pleasure (see: epicurean and I'm really surprised there ain't a portrait of me there, just for illustrative purposes.  Wait.  What?) but when it comes to pain I've always kinda-sorta grinned and bore it.  I'm not so damned stoic this time around, however.  We're ten days removed from our latest episode of Adventures In Modern Dentistry and I'm sick to death of (a) pain and (b) soft food.  Where (a) is concerned: we're nearly at the bottom of our Industrial Strength Pain Relivers, so much so that we're rationing them to make the supply last as long as possible (read as: nighttime use only).  Also where (a) is concerned: OTC Aleve and Tylenol ain't cuttin' the mustard.  Further to (a): we shall request refills on the Industrial Strength stuff when we go in to have our stitches removed in three days time.

And then there's (b).  I want some REAL food, but I can't have it at the moment... it's just not physically possible.  I'm pleased that there's a plethora of frozen soft foods out there today and I'd hate to be goin' through this thang 20 years ago when there wasn't nearly as much choice.  That said... I'm sick to death of mac & cheese, creamed chipped beef on toast, chili (in at least three different flavors), pudding (in three flavors, too), and oatmeal.  I'd mention cheesecake, except for the fact I'm NOT sick o' that.  Oh, and ice cream.  Bring on more of the last two items, please.
OK, we're done pissin' and moanin'.


  1. I do hope thing start healing and all is better quickly. Maybe you could go for some good pasta rather than the mac & cheese.

    1. I should have mentioned there are several variants of al fredo sauce pasta I've been eating, as well. I'm pretty tired of that stuff, too.

  2. But are ya gaining any weight on that cheese-mac, pasta& ice-cream diet Buck? lol

    1. Heh. The only place I gain weight is in my dreams.

  3. Tens days of (a) is of some concern. Based on my own experience, there was some discomfort for awhile, but not for any extended period.
    And, yeah, (b) gets old real soon, except for ice cream, cheese cake, and creme brulee.

    1. You have a point about the ten days, Skip, but I had a whole HELLUVA lot o' work done: artificial bone implants, implant posts installed, and five teeth pulled. I bet I have at least 30 stitches in my mouth, which are due to come out in a couple o' days. So there's a follow-up in my very near future.

  4. I don't know what sort of Chinese chow you like Buck (if any) but I've found that some of it is edible with a minimum of chew. I'd suggest fried rice of some sort mixed with lobster sauce. Yeah, it should be chewed a little, probably, but if your gut can handle it, it can be ingested without too much tooth action. Anyway, you might want to scope out a menu and see what fits the bill?

    1. The last thing I need is lil bits o' rice getting stuck in my sutures, Jim. I'll be avoiding rice and other sorts of things like that for a while.


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