Saturday, August 25, 2012


It must be because it's August... the Usual Source for viral vids didn't update again this week.  So it's off to the alternate source for this:

Want.  I've destroyed at least three keyboards in my lifetime, mostly with alcohol.  A washable keyboard would be a Good Thing, fer me.  Coz I'm klutzy.


  1. Most of my keyboard casualties have come from a serious case of PISSED OFF. I still use the 13 year old Dell keyboard at work because it, unlike so many others, can tolerate the abuse.

    Like yesterday, when CorelDRAW crapped out with no warning...

    1. I destroyed a keyboard one time by smacking the Hell out of it with my fist. I didn't know the keys could fly so far... it was kinda cool.

  2. Worth every penny, Buck. I've got a "Dura Book" custom laptop w. water-proof case/keyboard and its saved me more than once..


Just be polite... that's all I ask.