Monday, July 02, 2012


That would be me today.  Pardon me while I unburden...  The pissyness actually began this weekend when I noticed the onset of another one of those malevolent mystery maladies I'm subjected to, to wit: periodic gum infections.  The last time I had one such was back in April but they seem to strike me every three or four months or so.  The pain isn't debilitating, it's just annoying.  So we phoned in a request for antibiotics to our favorite dentist, and said request was fulfilled promptly and cheerfully (one of two bright spots in my otherwise dismal day).  We then trotted our ol' ass off to Wally-world for to fill the scrip... mainly coz the Cannon Airplane Patch pharmacy is CLOSED today, for the monthly training day.  But of course!

So we get to Wally-World just as the pharmacy is closing for lunch.  Perfect timing, in other words.  We then returned home to have a beer and adjust our attitude, not wanting to spend an hour and a half waiting on those hard-ass benches in the pharmacy waiting area.  We return to Wally-World after about an hour and proceed to wait 45 fucking minutes while our scrip is filled.  Let me reiterate: 45 FUCKING MINUTES.  I have no idea WHY it takes that long to put 21 pills in a small brown bottle, but it does.  And then we returned home, drugs in hand.

I was going to entertain you with a "People of Wal-Mart" pic, but discretion got the better o' me.  I noticed this 60-sumthin' woman at the pharmacy window while I was patiently (heh) waiting for my prescription to be filled... with a gawd-awful tattoo on her calf.  I just sat there and thought "Jeezus" while marveling at the sight.  It's come to pass... we have old wimmen walking around in public with tasteless tats on full display.  I've lived too damned long.

But, hey.  We're home, the WX is moderate, and we've knocked back a couple o' beers and might do one more before Happy Hour is over.  We're fully adjusted, which is to say we're no longer pissy.  But we WERE, Gentle Reader... oh, yes... we WERE.  Oh.  The other bright spot?  We received a new shipment o' cigars today (Drew Estate Kuba Kubas), so the humidor is fat again and we are pleased.  And we're smokin' one, as we speak.


  1. Amen, brother. I am convinced pharmacies are staffed by people who are too slow and stupid to hack it at DMV.

    My dog, though? When he needs pills (often the same as "human" pills, for about 1/3 the price) the vet prints out a sticker, applies it to the little bottle and puts the pills in. In/Out/Done in about 1 minute.

    I just don't understand...

    1. This brings an entirely NEW meaning to "it's a dog's life," no? I wanna come back as one of TSMP's dogs in my next life. Srsly.

  2. I can relate to your "pissyness" every time I have to deal with the public. There are more and more cretins and special snowflakes every day. Luckily I follow your words of wisdom and usually wash it down with something cold and alcoholic. Just what Dr. Pennington ordered.

    1. There are times, unfortunately, when ya can't get to something cold and alcoholic nearly quick enough. "Special snowflakes," indeed!

  3. Inno's comment about pharmacy staffers cracked me up. Did you read Staci's post on her latest experience at Wal-Mart? It makes seeing a bad tat not so bad.

    Here in Duncan, the Wal-Mart pharmacy folk are most annoying. I usually go to one of the local pharmacies where they treat you like humans and want your business.

    1. You just planted a seed, Lou. The next time I need drugs and the Cannon pharmacy is closed I WILL take my bid'niz elsewhere.

  4. I can't comment on the woman's calf tattoo without the photographic evidence, but I often wonder about the intelligence of folks who get ink on areas of the body that will not survive the later years with any amount of beauty. Bad enough to have flapping triceps, for instance, but to also have a droopy hula dancer on there... bleh.

    1. I deplore tats, period. I realize the practice is one of those "taste" things but they're not MY taste.

  5. I'm with Lou - give the business to someone local who will actually ... gasp ... value it. We do get our monthly prescriptions from a mailorder place; the savings is significant. But for one-offs it is the local pharmacy for me. Kinda like Cheers ... they know my name.

  6. The mention of Wal*mart ...or rather, the employees brings to mind two things about the place that really piss me off.
    I find it pretty darn difficult to get the attention of any employee when I need help because they seem to avoid eye contact at all costs.
    Then, if I am able to make my needs known they pass the buck to someone else just as fast as humanly possible. If they can pass it along to corporate in Bentonville, so much the better.
    Nobody at the store seems to want to take any responsibility.

    1. Our store is different, Skip. I find all the staff very helpful and they don't avoid eye-contact with me at all. I have to fight 'em off, if anything.

  7. We stopped using WallyWorld for Rx's a long time ago. The wait was sometimes one day and the attitude displayed was enough to piss you off. No problems with the local pharmacies, they are glad to see you.
    Regarding tatoo's...I agree with Suldog.

    1. It would be hard to beat the Cannon Airplane Patch pharmacy. I love those guys, except for when they're not open and I NEED drugs.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.