Friday, June 29, 2012

More On Yesterday

The Usual Source for 'toons is ALL about the Supreme Court's ACA decision today.  It was hard to choose which one to steal, but this one is arguably the best:

It ain't funny... at ALL.


  1. "Sigh!"*

    *that's a euphemism for f@8%

  2. BTW was that title a pun?
    "Moron Yesterday"

  3. Despite all th e right leaning writers who are looking for some kind of silver lining to the forking that this nation suffered in ,yesterday's ruling by the liberal Roberts, it is not good law, it also didn't come out Constitutional, it only showed that Roberts is unqualified for his job.

    The country lost a ton of freedom by his utterly stupid ruling. It shat on the Constitution, and the people. Guess Duh One was right, it is all Bush's fault. Roberts is his man.

    This country is doomed.

  4. Well, we all seem to be on the same page... except for Anon. Disagreeing with the Chief Justice ain't reason to deem him unqualified. Is what I think, is all.

  5. That's a pretty good caricature of Pelosi.

  6. The Cartoon? Unfortunately real life is INDEED imitating "art." Best cartoon I've seen, hands down..

    1. Didja go look at the others at the link? There were some others I almost posted.


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