Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ah, Politics...

THIS week's campaign meme was "kids toys."  Like this:

There's a brief explanation here (in case you live under a rock), which focuses on perhaps the ONE group of people who find this shit amusing.  Or, in this case, profitable.


  1. It's comedy gold, alright. Just viewed a montage of ads on C-Spans morning talk call-in show already being run by Santorum, Gingrich and Paul that are simply devastating! What a club that staffer handed the opposition to hit Mittens over the head with! Hell, now the Obama crowd doesn't even have to spend any money on ads--all they'll have to do is re-reun the GOP attack ads--they are THAT devastating!

    But, as the cartoon, above, shows, this is a multi-purpose "meme." (gotta use the right "progressive" "deconstructionist," "post-modern" jargon to prove I'm academically "hip," Buck ) The political cartoonists should have a field day..

    PS: Talk about "recovery time!" The early am start yesterday after my bout with Monsieur Barbancourt the day before meant I was a DEAD MAN by 6pm! My wife just shook her head. "I assume not to bother to wake you for supper" was her only comment as I slipped into a dead-sleep coma. Oh, that, and she mumbled something about being sure to remember to keep paying the premiums on the life ins, lol

    1. Hell, now the Obama crowd doesn't even have to spend any money on ads--all they'll have to do is re-reun the GOP attack ads--they are THAT devastating!

      Not just these etch-a-sketch ads, either. All primary contests are vicious but this year's seems more so, for some reason.

      In re: Monsieur B. You're better today, I assume? ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.