Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just One More...

... and then we'll stop flogging this dead horse, coz these asshats are getting too much attention from everyone, including me.  That said, here's Lisa Benson's take:

Some big-time Dems are making foolish public statements of support for the OWS crowd, revealing either their clue-free nature or their true colors, or both.  I'm not the first guy on the right to think and say "you just go right ahead..."  But it DOES take some kinda gall to continue to ask for campaign money from the very people you're bad-mouthing, don't it?


  1. " DOES take some kinda gall to continue to ask for campaign money from the very people you're bad-mouthing..."

    It's why they're symbol is a jackass.

  2. What really makes me go "huh?" is the idiots who then go and make the contributions to re-elect them after they have been the target of the smear campaigns.

    It just goes to show that liberalism is a mental disorder.

  3. Oooooohhhhhhh....yeah, that's good.

  4. Oh, ho ho, but Buck... that one really does sum it up well. Can't blame ya for going against your own urge for moratorium just this one last time.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.