Monday, September 12, 2011

Planning Proceeds Apace

This is actually kinda scary... everything seems to be going according to plan where the move is concerned.  Well, sorta.  I've yet to hear back from the moving company about my preferred move date, so we shall see how that shakes out.  Bekins will be executing the move, which contradicts earlier information I put out on the street.  Lemmee say this about that... DIL Erma ran into issues around cheap plane tickets and we both agreed that the Law Of Diminishing Returns comes into play here.  Neither she nor I were willing to pay full-freight for her ticket so she's not coming to assist, after all.  Cheap fares are good, when they exist... but full-freight from one small market to another is cost-prohibitive.

That said... we've arranged for satellite teevee to be installed on Wednesday (good-bye Comcast, and don't let the door bang ya in the ass on yer way out), my furniture will be delivered and set up on Monday, and all utilities have been contracted for.  I'll spend the coming days preparing for the move in small increments (like purging the contents of El Casa Móvil de Pennington of unwanted and unneeded items for to hold costs down, doing some preliminary packing, sorting, and what-not, etc., etc, etc.), which will prolly result in a crescendo of frantic activity this coming weekend... coz yanno there's always sumthin'.

The excitement mounts...


  1. I hate packing!

    If I had to choose between packing and getting kicked straight in the nozzle, I, ummm... Not sure.

  2. What Inno said...

    Couldn't you just drive to the new house, and carry stuff in?

  3. I can't believe you are getting a new house before I do! Well, at least someone is moving in. Might as well be you. mope.

  4. I was thinking what Dave was. Oh well...the worst part of the deal will be not seeing Erma.

    It's exciting moving to new digs. The next time I do, it will be to the home, I'm sure.

    Good luck, and smooth move!

  5. You know, sometimes things just do "go as planned". It's shocking when it happens which is kind of a sad commentary on how high the rate of our acceptance of problems has gone. We literally expect things like a move to go haywire.

    A toast and prayer for things to remain on track and according to plan!

  6. Inno: Yeah, I hate it, too. MY packing will be minimal; that's why I'm hiring movers. But I have a LOT of purging to do.

    Dave & Andy: Yeah, I COULD drive to the apartamento, but that would be too damned "involved," even for a trip of only a couple o' miles. By that I mean securing everything that might could move or fall over and break; disconnecting the hard-wired propane tank, cable, and innernets connections; cushioning all my dishes and glassware; etc. I've also added at LEAST 1,000 pounds of "stuff" in the last eight and a half years and suspect I might be over GVWR. The next time I drive ECMdP she will be empty.

    Kris: Murphy was an optimist.

  7. Lou: Whoops! No need to mope... just consider: you're building, I'm renting. Hell would freeze over before I could/would move into sumthin' **I** built.

  8. Good luck and don't hurt your back!

  9. Good luck. A woman is always helpful when moving, but I understand the Law of Diminishing Returns on a plane ticket. I would come and help you if I hadn't just used up all my frequent flyer miles on a free plane ticket for my husband.

    You ended up moving before me, so let me know if you want to send any cigar boxes my way and I'll give you my address.

  10. Hell, I'd come help you myself if I could get the time off from work. It'd be worth the price of a plane ticket just for the designer beer, fancy cigars, and conversation.


    I axed my boss, and he would not let me off.


  11. Christina: Funny you should mention back pain. I went to the Aleve last evening exactly for that... first time in a long time. I hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come...

    Red: I still have a few boxes yet... send me your address and I'll mail ya a couple. Or three.

    Andy: Your boss is a hard man.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.