Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Wait.  What's that fool's cap doin' in there?  Palin ain't in yet.

From the Usual Source.


  1. I'm sensing that the fool's hat is just on the edge lookin' in. Could be the current occupant just checkin' out the action.

  2. You have a point. I don't think she's gonna jump, myself.

  3. Maybe Obummer is running on both tickets?

  4. It is interesting trying to figure out who's hat is which. Oh, wait. There isn't a witch's hat, although I bet the D's think there should be.

  5. Anon: I wouldn't put it past him. Some on the left are already accusing him of bein' a Republican in drag. As if...

    Jim: Heh. I think Bachmann should have thrown her tiara in there.

  6. I know people who think Obama is too - conservative.


    And these people vote. God help us.

  7. Sully thinks there should be a witches hat...

    That would only be if Pelosi....

  8. Oh, yeah, and what's with Bachmann mixing up the Elvis dates?

  9. No, Buck. Pelosi's is the one with the tiara. Remember?

  10. Kris: I, for one, am deriving an immense amount of satisfaction watching those people you're on about gnash and thrash. It's SO amusing.

    Ivan: Bachmann is all TOO prone to making gaffes like that. Attention to detail, or lack o' same.

    Moogie: You're oh-so-right. My Bad.

  11. Actually, Palin’s hat would be whatever one wears as the most popular governor in the US…or a hardhat from sticking it to the big wigs at the oil companies…or a fur hat from something she just killed…which evidentially includes many of the frail egos of too many impersonating as conservative males.

    Though probably a football helmet would be the most appropriate, since she’s the only with enough intestinal fortitude to constantly and effectively tackle Pres. Obama and his merry band of socialist, Marxist pinko f*#kwads and their delusional, Anti-American, capitalism destroying policies.

    America with a President Palin would be fine place indeed, one I welcome whole heartily. Whatever hat she decides to wear.

    (Seriously, it’s important that Bachmann confused when Elvis died or was born. Seriously!?! That concerns you? Now I understand better how we ended up with this jackass as our president. Politics in the 21st century, it’s like American Idol only stupider.)

  12. I guess that halo keeps every hair in place.

  13. Small Tee: Spoken like a true Palinista. Perry, however, is the Real Deal... in that he didn't quit halfway through his first term. Palin will never live that down, in my book.

    Lou: Halos have to have some useful purpose, eh?


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