Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well, the song starts out skeptical but ends up in a good place.  I think.

Well, **I** like G+, FWIW.  Drop me a line... buckpennington01 (at) gmail (dot) com... if you want/need an invite.  I have LOTS left.


  1. Heh, indeed! As you know, I was chomping at the bit to get in on the ground floor with G+. And, as you've discovered, I have done absolutely ZERO with it.

    Oh, you didn't notice? Well, never mind.

    I really like the concept of circles. If Facebook had had such a thing I'd have never had to go underground (alias). Imma get serious on really posting over there. The really cool thing about that is that you can block me, and I'll never have a clue. Well, The Facebook has that already...and I have made good use of that little feature, too.

  2. Funny, I have been meaning to email you and discuss some "stuff" including Google+. Just sat down to do that right now.

  3. Member of Resistance14 August, 2011 19:14

    If I was running a totalitarian government with 22 different police agencies, then the first thing I would do is invent Google, and then the second thing Google+.

    To know what people are thinking, is power. To have it all in your "cloud" is super power.

    The only thing more sinister would be to have the company owned by a couple of Ruskies.

  4. It's hard enough to keep up with you and Andy on Blogger much less Google+.

  5. Lou: Well you do Facebook, too.

  6. Member: You are WAAAY too paranoid.

  7. Member of Resistance15 August, 2011 19:29

    No, No, not paranoid. I'm much resigned. Too old to care anymore.

    When I used to fly in the USAF, we would have "Buffer Zone" training. This was ground training on how to fly near the East German and Russian Buffer Zones.

    On the maps were marked "Non-Free Flying Territory" Deadly Force was authorized, and if you actually had to fly inside the zone, you had to know all the escape and evasion plans if you got shot down and survived the parachute landing.

    Fast forward to 2011, and they have places in the USA now, that are marked "Non-Free Flying Territory" and deadly force is authorized.

    They got some 80 year old woman in her Piper Cub a couple weeks ago. Can you imagine an F-16 trying to get your attention in a Piper Cub!

    Anyway, she landed, put the plane in the garage, and then the (umm some police agency) took her away (to get her arm tattooed with a number I'm sure.)

    I could have wrote that script...


Just be polite... that's all I ask.