Monday, July 11, 2011

In Which Google Insults Me

Am NOT!  I may be old, I may be slow, but I do NOT creak.


  1. They even have that little wheelchair icon by "creaker."

  2. I'm telling you...and you can believe me...I've got at least 40 screenshots of Globber WVs stored in a file. They are all hilarious.

    Problem is, I can't remember the situations, or the subjects of most of the posts. Plus, nobody really liked those WV posts.

    I don't mean this as a me, I don't. But, I really don't see the need for WV any longer (at least at my pitiful, low traffic, Titanic of a blog). The Globber spam filter catches almost everything. Sure, those that "subscribe" to comments (like me) get the spam comments sent via e-mail. But, in many, many months, I've only had one or two actually make it in to the published comments. And, they are easily deleted.

    Just sayin'...

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WV...beerstogi. Really. Taking a screenshot!

    Crap! I'm on my netbook, and don't have Screengrab installed. Crud...

  3. Lou: That's adding insult to injury, innit?

    But, I really don't see the need for WV any longer (at least at my pitiful, low traffic, Titanic of a blog).

    I tried disabling WV a while back and was just OVERWHELMED with spam. It got to the point where I was spending a couple o' hours a day goin' thru the fucking spam and I hated doin' that. I should add that was AFTER Google introduced its "new and improved" spam filtering, which wasn't. You get more traffic than I do, Andy... mebbe it's just spammers love me more than they do you.

  4. Yeah, Lou broke off a good one there.

    Try it again, Buck. Aw hell...try it, or not. I don't mind entering the WV letters. I've always thought that if anybody gave a damn enough to leave a comment, typing a few more letters shouldn't be a big deal.

    That really was a good one that Lou broke off. Missed it the first time. Nyuk!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.