Wednesday, June 01, 2011

"Nuthin' Up Mah Sleeve!"

"Well, of COURSE not, Bullwinkle... and why would ya want beer up your sleeve, anyway?"
--Rocket J. Squirrel

That by way of introduction, Gentle Reader.  To this:

There is a back-story, of course.  I received an e-mail from Occasional Reader Brad day before yesterday, which said... in part:
You only know me as an occasional poster to your blog, which I totally love. I moved here to Portales last year, and now my stuff has finally caught up with me. My stuff includes a spanking brand new Rocky J. Squirrel glass tumbler, one that I actually helped create for a firm called Toon Tumblers. I had it in mind for you a while back when you referenced Rocky and Bullwinkle in one of your posts.
All I ask is that at some point, you include the glass in one of your great beer shots on the blog! :-)
Well, Hell Yes... C'mon down, Brad!  And so he did, leaving me with the tumbler you see above AND a matching Rocket J. Squirrel pint glass, which I'll feature in another beer post in future.  Brad is a graphic arts instructor at ENMU and used to live in Noo Yawk before moving to P-Ville.  As luck would have it (and because these here inter-tubes are a wonderful thing!), you can see more examples of his work here.

Thanks, Brad... and Prosit!


Which brings us to Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack...

No... wait.  That's not it, even though it prolly should be.  What we're really listening to today is this, in part:

This would be Kate Nash... new to me but mebbe not to YOU, Gentle Reader, given that you're hip to all this new kinda stuff...

Well, now.  Isn't that a lovely confection?  Young Kate reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on who that might be.  No matter, I listened to this about three times in a row and liked it more with every listen.  YMMV, of course.


  1. Nice tumbler! Young Brad is a fine artist.

  2. And a Hella nice guy, too!

  3. It was my pleasure! It was great to meet you in person,Buck! Enjoy!

    I've loved the community since moving here ... your blog was one of the first things I came across when I was researching a possible move to P-ville. I guess you sold me! lol


  4. Off topic, but I know you be watching the hockey game. Holy crap what a game, and finally, after so long, and so little left in the regular time of the game, 18.5 seconds!!!! and BAM.

    That is probably the game. Even up the series.

    That might call for something a little more than a beer. A Glen Livet seems to be calling me! ;)

  5. Buck, there is nothing more funner than a blogger meeter. Seriously.

    In an odd way, we get pretty connected after a while of clickety-clacking back and forth. I can testify that I've made virtual (and real life) friends by blogging that I'd tell things to, that I wouldn't to folks I've known my whole life.

    I'm thinkin' the young lady singer is akin to Petula Clark, but not as fluid.

    Back to Brad...I've made some "Brads" here locally, and it's very gratifying...imagine so close to such interesting folks, but you'd never have met 'em had it not been for the fact that they post stuff on an abstract medium, and The Gooble leads you to 'em over one subject or another.

    The 'net is bitchin' one aging man's opinion.

  6. I want one w. Boris & Natasha! And one of Fearless Leader too!

  7. Brad: Thanks again!

    Anon: So there I was... all set for yet another episode of "Next goal wins!"... and then BAM! It's over. I really wasn't expecting either team to score in regulation and was resigning myself to one of those marathon games. Wow. What a way to open up a series!

    Andy: You're right... the 'net IS a wonderful thang. Every once in a while I try and imagine what this retirement gig would be like without the 'net and I just CAN'T. I'm so very glad I'm livin' in this day and age.

    I still can't place Kate Nash. I suppose I hear some Petula in her voice, but only a little bit.

    Virgil: I'm thinkin' Google is your friend. Fearless Leader WOULD be good!

  8. There are some of us who love Eastern NM - I used to go to
    Clovis for vacations. Brad, if you need an interpreter (someone with a West Texas twang) let me know. I'm exciteed about another artist in the family of bloggers.

  9. What a nostalgic rush I got from the Rocky & Bullwinkle clip! Nice.

  10. Love Kate Nash! Such an odd style that is just very relaxed and appealing. I really like that her Brit accent actually comes thru a bit - which isn't what usually happens.


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