Friday, April 08, 2011

A Quick Hit...

... but mostly a miss.  Part of this eye-surgery thing is a three-week post-op regimen of eye drops... in three different varieties that must be administered once a day, three times a day, and four times a day.  I'm down with the scheduling bits and haven't missed a single dose as yet.  Well, sorta.  I really, rilly suck at this, in that I manage to get more of the drops on my face than I do in my eyes.  I still haven't figgered out a fool-proof way to get the liquid into my eye on the first try; my reflex action is too quick.  

Got any tips, Gentle Reader?


  1. Duct tape, brother. Duct tape.

  2. I rarely use eyedrops, but when I do I have to put them in the corner of my eye while it is still closed. Then blink a few times to spread it around. It's the only way that works for me.

  3. Andy: Ah! I'm slow today. Well, slower than usual.

    Inno: Thanks! I'll try that!

  4. Pretend it's a great beer, and your eye is your mouth...

  5. In all seriousness, Buck, gently pull your lower lid down and put them in that way. I'm surprised your pharmacist didn't tell you how to get them in there every time.

  6. Eye drops are tricky, maybe you need a sweet young thang to help out! Just sayin.


    I looked for a naked girl at Theo Spark's site with an eyedropper but came up m/t again.


    Lay down, While you have the eyedropper above your eye, look away from the eyedropper focusing on the window... while you squeeze gently on the container, so you can't anticipate when the drop will fall.

    Part of an ongoing series of how to defeat your body's instincts / self defense mechanisms.

  8. Already see that the advice I would have given is up.

    Pulling out the lower lid slightly and dropping it in there works well, as does looking away once you get the dropper positioned, you end up getting the drops to land on the whites of your eyes.

    I've never had a problem with putting drops in my eyes. Lucky I guess.

  9. Thank you ALL, especially Deb and marc. We have lift-off!

  10. The Oracle sympathizes. He has to do 2 different kinds of eye drops three times per day to control his glaucoma. I used to have to do it for him at first - he just wasted so much! Then we learned about the lower eye thing - he's been on his own for years with that technique.

    Good luck Buck!

  11. Yeah, Marc beat me to it. I'm tardy getting around. Glad the situation is under control.

  12. I'm thinking Scooney had the best advice. =)

  13. Moogie: Ya got that right. Best, if impractical. ;-)

  14. If all else fails, I will send Toby to do it - that is the only way I know hot to get drops in my eye. I am glad to know that there are other eye-dropper retards out there.

  15. Hey Buck - have had numerous eye surgeries and eye issues in my lifetime. The best way to get eyedrops in is to squeeze the dropper into the inner corner (closest to your nose) of your eye with your head held back. It doesnt matter if you are looking at it or even blink, it will always ensure the stuff washes over your whole eye. If you drop it into the lower lid it can often wash out too quickly as soon as you blink without covering your eye properly. From the corber it will wash right over your eye as it flushes out the other corner. I usually hold my head back and slightly angled towardsw my shoulder so I know the stuff will wash in, over and across out onto the floor!

    Wishing you speedy eye recovery x

  16. I am glad to know that there are other eye-dropper retards out there.

    We're not alone, Lou. SN2 tells me he's the same way.

    Alison: Thank ya, Ma'am!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.