Thursday, April 07, 2011


An afternoon and evening full o' hockey GOODNESS!  From ESPN:
Two of college hockey’s most storied programs, Michigan and North Dakota, will face off against each other in the prime-time matchup Thursday (ESPN2HD and, 8:30 p.m. ET).

The other two teams skating here, Minnesota-Duluth and Notre Dame (ESPN2HD and, 5 p.m. ET), are looking to become the 18th different school to skate around with the plaque.
The greatest thing is I get ESPNHD... so I'll be able to Cheer, Cheer for Old Notre Dame (you know the words, Gentle Reader... so sing along!) in high definition and then root for Big Blue in the same manner. Which might could lead to a dilemma if both ND and Michigan make it to the final, as in "who to cheer for?"  I don't think that's gonna be a problem, though, as the Fighting Sioux will prolly beat Michigan by something like 11 - 0... coz they are THAT good.  Still and even... this will be a nice way to spend the afternoon, no matter WHO wins.



    I might be slightly biased...

  2. I'm a total out of touch ignoramus or I live too far down South to get college hockey news. I knew they had college hockey teams up North but I confess I've never heard of the Frozen Four.
    That name is even better than the Final
    Four. Go Irish!

  3. I bet college hockey would be really exciting.

  4. Ahem....

    Beer, beer for old Notre Dame,
    Shake up a cocktail, cheer in your name.
    Send a Freshman out for gin,
    Don't let a sober Sophomore in.

    We never stagger, we never fall,
    We sober up on wood alcohol,
    While our drunken sons are stagg'ring
    Down to the bar for more.

  5. I might be slightly biased...

    Only slightly, Christina? Was Silver at the game? I'm thinkin' it'll be a long, sad ride home for the band...

    Moogie & Lou: I did, and it was!

    Dan: College hockey is BIG Up Nawth. Reely BIG!

    Rob: Heh. I've sung those lyrics. The Second Mrs. Pennington is an ND alumna and is (ahem) well-schooled in certain ND traditions. We went to her tenth reunion in South Bend and that was QUITE the party... I won't talk about her undergrad days. ;-)

  6. What's the latest status of the lawsuit against the NCAA by the "Fighting Sioux" to keep their name. I thought I'd read that they lost or it was dropped. My FIGHTING ILLINI threw in the towel without much of a fight mainly because they've ALWAYS had an EXTREME left-wing anti-sports PC Admin & faculty since the 50s and Pres. David Dodds Henry. You know the guy that provided the money to build the ND hockey stadium PURPOSELY made it almost physically/financially impossible to remove the nick-name & logo as he had it engraved into the back of every seat, in mosaic floor tiles and carved into both the exterior stone walls.
    GD PC NCAA bastards..

  7. The last I heard was that there was a law introduced in the NoDak state legislature to codify the name "Fighting Sioux." I hope it passes.

  8. *sigh*

    Silver was crushed that she wasn't chosen to go to the Frozen Four after auditioning. She did, however, play at the Final Five and had a blast!

    She also enjoyed the Mall of America, ;)!


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