Monday, February 07, 2011

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Dire Straits... with a song that has its own (and rather extensive) Wikipedia entry:

The lyrics ain't profound but they sure are clever, especially when taken in the context of the times.  My favorite bits:
Doctor Parkinson declared 'I'm not surprised to see you here
you've got smokers cough from smoking, brewer's droop from drinking beer
I don't know how you came to get the Betty Davis knees
but worst of all young man you've got Industrial Disease'

Ha!  Splendid!
Indeed, and I sorely miss this song and the album it was on.  "Love Over Gold" was/is pretty danged good, but not good enough for me to go out and replace my vinyl copy... which, as long-time readers know is in safe keeping with SN2, along with the rest of my vinyl.  The only Dire Straits album I replaced with a CD copy was the first one and that was because of intense sentimental value as well as being the best album Knopfler EVER made.  Period.  That said, it's good to be drinkin' beer and dredging up memories on a winter's day.  Splendid!


  1. Enjoy, Buck. Life's too short not to enjoy the 'moments'.

  2. Hey just for shits and giggles I googled "german chepper" and it took me straight here. You're # 2 & # 3, soon, you'll own all the german cheppers in N.M.

    I can't make any sense of it either...
    I've never been to Texas so I can't explain it.

  3. Great Knopfler/Straits stuff here, man. I do like that little organ sound they use in some of their things. This lyric has as many words per line as Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues"! "Industrial Disease" is a funky, funny song.

    I checked out the wikipedia entry you mentioned and was surprised to learn that "Private Dancer" was originally going to be on this album as well, but K. decided a female voice would be better and held it out. Joyce has always loved that Tina song and she hadn't heard about the Dire Straits connection. As for the album title "Love Over Gold," I always wondered why these two items had to be mutually exclusive!

  4. Deb: You're oh-so-right. I took your advice.

    Marc: My new... and prolly ONLY... claim to fame! (sigh) ;-)

    Dan: Ain't The Wiki GREAT? It has its flaws but overall I just love it to death. That's a great observation about mutual exclusivity, too.

  5. Carpe the cheppers, Buck. Carpe the cheppers.


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