Friday, February 11, 2011

Stuck On Stoopid, Again

Or "Too Poor to Pay Attention," your choice.  I've discovered the ultimate oxymoron as a result of not paying attention whilst shopping:

What's the POINT of "fat-free" half & half?  Half & half, by definition, is HALF cream, and cream is FULL o' fat, nu?  Sweet Jesus, but the only thing dumber than its very existence is my stoopidity in buying it.  A pox on Wally-World stock boys for putting this abomination where the REAL half & half normally sits.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I have a full quart of this crap and I'm too damned cheap to just throw it out and go get the Real Deal.  But I'm thinkin' things just MIGHT change.  Bleah!


  1. I bought this stuff by accident once.

    It tastes nothing like actual half-and-half. This is probably because it is a slurry of degreased, concentrated milk solids. ;-)

  2. Roger that on the taste, Barry. I make my coffee fairly strong and adding this crap to it makes the result taste more like tea. Gad!

  3. Hey, I like using the Fat Free 1/2 & 1/2. I honestly don't taste much difference between the real stuff and the fat free stuff.

  4. MissBirdlegs in AL11 February, 2011 13:13

    I hate that for you, Buck. I don't buy anything fat-free - haven't found anything that tastes worth a flip, no matter what it is. One of the gals at work brings that fat-free crap & one day I hurriedly grabbed it from the fridge & ruined a good cup of coffee! Like you, I'm pretty cheap, but I think I'd chunk that container... ;-)

  5. I honestly don't taste much difference between the real stuff and the fat free stuff.

    No offense, Kris, but there's something wrong with your taster. See Katy and Barry, above. And me. ;-)

    Katy: Me and you, Girl! "Fat-free" is another phrase for bogus, thoroughly tasteless, unwanted, and unnecessary crap.

  6. Why don't you use it to make some low-fat Ice Cream? Just grasping at ideas here. I drink a lot-o-Joe myself (I use Tim Hortons grounds) but take it black, no sugar. The last time I used cream in my coffee (and that was the powder stuff) was when I was back on the USS Indy (CV-62) and that was because of all the jet fuel in the fresh water from whence the coffee was brewed. No need back on dry land, for the flavor of JP-5 that is.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  7. there's something wrong with your taster

    Well - I do normally find that anything labeled fat free tends to also be taste free.

    I went from using skim milk in my coffee to using the fat free 1/2 & 1/2 - so perhaps that's why in this case I don't notice a difference. Last week The Oracle did the opposite of you Buck and bought the "real" stuff. I'm using it and - yup - not noticing a difference.

  8. Jimmy: I never even considered the virtues of JP-5 in my coffee. ;-)

    That fat-free stuff is destined for the garbage. As a matter of fact... it's already THERE.

    Kris: You need to make an appointment with your doctor about your sense o' taste, stat. ;-)

  9. That's funny, I did the same thing last week, except I bought "lite" coffee ice cream.

    Turns out, it costs more and tastes kinda bad.

    But it's got 20% less calories! ...probably because you're not likely to finish it after you've had some.

    The dude on your mug looks really comfortable.

  10. When they take the fat out, they add sugar or something that ends in "ose" to make it taste a bit better (or bitter as the case may be). So people who buy the stuff and think they are doing well on their diet are really not. Might as well go for the taste.

  11. Does seem to be a bit of an oxymoron. Don't use the stuff myself, so I have no thoughts on the taste issue. I'm a "dash of sugar" in my coffee kind of guy.

  12. The dude on your mug looks really comfortable.

    That's my great-grandson, Matt. He's pretty cool!

    Might as well go for the taste.


    BR: The main reason I drink coffee is for the stuff I put in it. ;-)

  13. I kinda like it, too, also having shifted from skim milk. It's pretty worthless to cook with, though -- separates and curdles too easily.

  14. I'm thinking you have entirely different reasons for using that stuff, Moogie... beyond the aesthetic.


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