Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stone Cold Beauty

Last night at The Joe:

As the announcers said... "a goal scorer's goal!"  Datsyuk was hot last night... he's hot EVERY night... and that goal was a thing of beauty.  The game was between two Original Six teams and both are leading their divisions, separated only by a single point overall.  Lots of Habs fans made the trip from Quebec to Dee-troit; the announcers on My Very Expensive Radio remarked often on that fact.  It sure sounded like a good one.

The Wings were lucky to get the win IMHO.  While it was all Wings in the first two frames, the Wings were on their heels in the third.  It's not often ya come away with a win when the third period action looks like this:

The Habs outshot the Wings 20-3 in the third but Jimmy Howard was hot.  He had to be.


In other hockey news... about 109,000 folks will watch The Big Chill At The Big House in Ann Arbor today.

The game will result in a new world-record for attendance at a hockey game IF the stadium fills to capacity.  That's a big "if," because of a number of factors, including weather (30 degrees is the game-time forecast), common sense, and other stuff.  Most folks will be going for the experience/party, judging from the sight lines in the pic above.  But Hey!  That's what stadium athletics are all about, no?  I loves me some hockey but I'll be damned if I'll sit for two-plus hours in 30-degree temps.


  1. But isn't 30 degrees considered balmy in Ann Arbor this time of year?

  2. Yeah, relatively speaking! Which is a BIG part of the reason why I don't live in that part o' the world any longer.

  3. Two-plus hours, 30 degree temps. and you're sitting on a bench.

    Gosh, no thanks!

  4. Buck, Good to see the Wings bounced back from that 3-2 thrashing the lowly Preds gave them in their own house earlier this week.:-)

    I have enough trouble following the puck on TV but from a high (and cold) stadium perch like that I wouldn't be able to see anything but the floaters in my own frosty eyeballs.

    WV: "surecat"; the Preds have been "surecats" over the past 6 games (they've won 5 of them).

  5. 'Lots of Habs fans made the trip from Quebec to Dee-troit; the announcers on My Very Expensive Radio remarked often on that fact.' It seemsto be what the 'talkin heads' do when they don't have anything intelligent to say.
    As for sitting outside watching game in freezing temps? No way!

  6. Will this be televised? I will tivo is it is.

  7. Kath, Deb, and Dan: We're all agreed, then: NO way! I read a comment on a Wings blog from a guy who was there and he said "meh." Actually, this is what he said:

    The view was much better than expected, at least from my seats, but with such a massive and open stadium I think most of the atmosphere leaks out. It works for a football game where there are clearly defined moments of play, and the big plays have time to develop and built up to. But for hockey, there’s just so much to miss from that distance at those speeds and the crowd is not as organized or observant. Even the typical taunts were a bit disjointed and disorganized. It just didn’t have the same roar as the football games I’ve been to there, even against a team as lowly as Baylor. It felt kinda hollow. I had a decent time, but I don’t really feel the need to go to another outdoor game.

    And yeah, Dan... we bounced back. That three-game losing streak wasn't any fun.

    Darryl: It's over, Bud. Yesterday. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.