Sunday, December 12, 2010

EVERYone Talks About It...

... and some of my blog-buds are sufferin' for it as well, in places as diverse as Tennessee, Minnesota, and (we assume) Calgary.  You expect winter storms and tons o' snow Up Nawth but not so much in places like Nashville.  Let's just say "I feel yore pain."  Coz I DO.  The memories of that sorta stuff are strong, indeed, but I think I'm safe in speculating that I'll never see another storm drop 24 inches of frozen precip on my head ever again.  I know, I know... "never say never."  Well, I just did.  We're feelin' jes a lil bit cocky in this space at the moment.  Why?

Not to rub it in or anything but there's this:

You can bet yer boots that we shall have three consecutive days of outdoor Happy Hours beginning tomorrow.  Not today, though.  51 degrees is just a tad too nippy for outdoor drinking, even in a light jacket and sweater.  Yeah, I AM gettin' soft in my old age.  I think that's allowed.


  1. It's a bit cooler here than Portales, but not bad. I can live without the snow.

  2. I can live without snow for the rest of my natch'al life and all of the next one, too. ;-)

  3. I'm jealous, Buck! I could stand some sun and warmth in these parts about now. Been raining buckets for two days straight now. A lot of rain even for by our standards.

  4. Well, if it were 10 degrees colder here we would now be under a blanket of at least 2 feet of snow, possibly more.

    Rained more than cats-and-dogs here today; driving pouring rain for hours and hours. Wind is howling. We are snug indoors having spent the afternoon with friends, eating, drinking and sitting cozy by the fire in the the living room.

    Ah such is the way of the rare relaxed Sunday during the holidays.

  5. Yeah, well...

    Northwest Louisiana...

    Storm Team Forecast

    Sunday Night: clear and very cold...Lows: teens-20s...Winds: NW 10-15 mph.
    Monday: sunny...Highs: 40s...Winds: NE-10 mph.

    Happy Hour am is inside tonight.


  6. MissBirdlegs in AL12 December, 2010 21:42

    My weather in North AL is almost too disgusting to talk about. 50's yesterday, pouring rain at bedtime, then got up to 24 degrees (wind chill 14), howling wind and SNOW! Going to be much colder tonight (teens) and not getting up to 30 tomorrow. Got a dusting of snow over everything, although how it stayed with that wind blowing so hard is a puzzle.

    I'm lovin' my 'lectric blanket more all the time. :-)

  7. BR: Hang in there and stay dry!

    Kris: Rain is infinitely better than snow, although BR might wanna differ on that.

    Andy & Katy: I don't understand all y'all's WX. Really, I don't. That said, I've seen snow in Biloxi so I guess it's not beyond the pale. Still and even: I feel for ya.

  8. I feel for you too. Heard that a good 2 feet fell over night on the east coast and a dome collapsed somewhere that there was supposed to be an NFL game (sorry, I don't follow football, so can't remember where it is). Good thing it happened before the game and not during!
    WX hasn't been too bad here but I look at it this way, we only have to endure another 3 months and then it's over. 3 months isn't a lifetime, right?

  9. 3 months isn't a lifetime, right?

    No, but February most certainly IS. ;-)

  10. I'm sharing Andy's weather today. It's so cold that I had to trickle water upstairs last night (who puts water pipes on the outside of a house, for crying out loud! Dumb folks in 1906, apparently.) and the front wrought iron gate contracted so much that the lock tongue couldn't reach the receptacle and I had to lash it closed with a dog collar this morning! Humidity's so low that I'm afraid to touch anything metal for fear of sparking a fire.

    Then it'll be back near 70 later in the week. *sigh*

  11. Your cold has a special quality, Moogie. One of the coldest moments of my life was standing an open ranks inspection on the drill pad at Keesler during the winter of '64. I thought I was gonna have frostbite before that ordeal was over. My TI was a sadist. I've been in colder places since that time, but as I said: your cold has a special quality to it.

    Keep that water tricklin'!


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