Monday, September 27, 2010


Found via a tweet from Chap... the Chevy 789:

Oh, MY!  Built on Corvette running gear and beauteous beyond words, eh?  And only $135K.  Oh, to be rich and famous...


  1. Hmmm, I dunno. The front looks great but the back - notsomuch. Still, could be fun.

  2. I like those '59 tail lights and that gull wing effect. Taste, I guess.

  3. Oh my! That is one sweet piece of classic-looking machinery!

  4. This thing is one of the best updates on a "classic" theme I've EVER seen, bar none.

  5. I dunno. I'm not just saying this to be contrarian, but something about it jars my eye. I mean, if I just had to drive one, I could probably manage, but it's just too much hodge-podge for me. I think the paint job really adds to the incongruous look I am getting. Makes it look like the frankencar that it is. A more fluid paint scheme would surely help.

    Having said that, if you know someone who is looking to offload one real cheap like, give 'em my info!

  6. Heh. Your last sez MUCH more than all the previous, no?

  7. I think Andy's right. It's the paint job that put me off at first. Not just the two tone, but the colors themselves.

    Go ahead and buy one, but before you order it, run the color scheme past us. Mmmmmkay?

  8. That aqua is VERY Fifties, Andy. I'm thinking mine would look good in what Chevy used to call Malibu Blue. Or Tuxedo Black. No two-tone.

  9. Frankencar is a good description. It's certainly eye-catching. And the performance is definitely appealing.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.