Monday, September 06, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Forgive me, Gentle Reader, this moment of self-indulgence.  We're listening to "Blood on the Tracks" this afternoon, indulging our inner masochist.  While this was never my favorite song on the album... it really fits today.

People see me all the time and they just can’t remember how to act
Their minds are filled with big ideas, images and distorted facts
Even you, yesterday you had to ask me where it was at
I couldn’t believe after all these years, you didn’t know me better than that
Sweet lady

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth
Blowing down the backroads headin’ south
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth
You’re an idiot, babe
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe
Full lyrics here, but the video posted above has additional lyrics not included in the original "Blood On the Tracks" version.  Life sometimes imitates art and life is sometimes eerie beyond belief.  Who'd a thunk it?


  1. "Who'd a thunk it?"

    I honestly wrote my first comment before I saw your last line here.

    Good Dylan tune. I maybe wrong but think I see a slight connection between this song and a recent post or two.

  2. I maybe wrong but think I see a slight connection between this song and a recent post or two.

    I think ya MIGHT be right, Dan. ;-)

  3. Dylan certainly had some insight.

  4. Amazing how songs can fit circumstances so perfectly that you think the songwriter could have only been thinking of your present situation.

    Been living that myself for a while now; sorry it has to be like this for you Buck; glad you are finding solace in the music that is clearly so important to you.

  5. ...glad you are finding solace in the music that is clearly so important to you.

    The flip side of that coin is a LOT of music is also very painful... memories, and all that. 23 years is a long time.


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