Saturday, August 07, 2010

The Saturday Re-Run

Occasional Reader Katy down 'Bama way sent along a link to the following video this morning, which prompted me to think now's as good a time as any to re-post this.  Soooo...

"Victory Or Death"

In the speech below Newt Gingrich advocates impeaching the Attorney General, disses the ACLU and secular-progressives in general, and ends with a rallying cry for conservatives (which is the title to this post):

I'm really surprised I hadn't seen this speech until last night, especially since it's been around for over a month.  Why this speech hasn't gone viral with the right wing is beyond me... or maybe we're all just focused on the holidays at the moment.
I've said this before and I'll say it yet again:  I like Mr. Gingrich.  A lot.  He's one of the few thinking, articulate conservatives left in America and I like the way he thinks.  It's too damned bad he has such negative and massive personal baggage because I think he would make a damned good president.

h/t to Darleen Click, posting at Protein Wisdom.
I originally put this clip up about two weeks after Mr. Gingrich delivered his speech back in December of 2009.  It's good to see the video is still making the rounds amongst the choir because things haven't gotten any better at all in the last year and a half, they've only gotten worse.  I don't post much political content these days but that doesn't mean I've quit paying attention or am otherwise disengaged.  Far from it.


  1. You might want to sit down for this Buck...
    I actually don't disagree with Mr. Gingrich this time around!
    His closing statements were powerful.

  2. It is truly a shame that Newt's shenanigans and attitudes about his personal life tanked his rising star. He's a genuinely intelligent man.

    With the likeability factor of John Edwards, post-baby-mama.

  3. ...I actually don't disagree with Mr. Gingrich...

    Which goes to prove you're not a knee-jerk liberal, KC. There's still hope for ya. ;-)

    With the likeability factor of John Edwards, post-baby-mama.

    Oooh. NICE, Moogie. You DO turn a phrase, Girl!

  4. What Moogie said. But, don't bother to compliment me on how well I turn a phrase.

    Newt is one of those puzzles. High intellect, rock-ribbed in his beliefs, articulate as any, yet so flawed that he truly is unelectable.

    Maybe a man born out of time. 150, or 100, or 50 years ago even, it's likely that he'd have risen to great political heights, and done great things. But, our modern era of awareness has doomed him to his fate.

    Plus, in many ways, Newt (even though I stand in awe of all of his abilities, and believe that he is the type that might likely be able to resurrect our sputtering Republic) is an insufferable, arrogant man.

    I'm not alone in my thoughts here. Of course, I'd support Newt against any Dimocrat, if he somehow miraculously became the Republican nominee. But, it's not going to happen.

    If Newt is the true believer that I think he is, he will pick a horse, and start promoting it. He will drop any thought of ever running the race himself, and throw his obviously superior intellect and passion behind someone that he truly believes in.

    But, I have my doubts that Newt's ego will let him do that. That "something" in his brain that is so intriguingly captivating to me is probably that same "something" that won't let him be released from "himself," either. Just my dos centavos.

    Man...that was a long comment.

  5. I agree with your "man out of time" theory, Andy. Which kinda-sorta goes to prove we know too damned much about too many things these days.

    I'm wonderin' if he'll run or get out of the way, as well. One small part of me hopes he DOES run because I don't see any other worthy candidate on the Right. "Viable" is an entirely different story, as we've noted. Newt far exceeds the other potential candidates in terms of intellectual horsepower but his character flaws are well known. The character thing is a deal-killer, methinks.

  6. I'm not sure I rate as a Rotarian, being Roman Catholic and all, but the problem I have with politicians, is they are really good when they are getting $50k a speach, but out on the primary, or before CBS News, they sound like my son did when he was smoking dope, and trying to tell the policeman he wasn't stoned.

    It just bugs the hell out of me...


Just be polite... that's all I ask.