Monday, August 09, 2010


I remain amazed at the body's ability to produce mucus... a seemingly inexhaustible supply.  WHERE does all this stuff come from?  I thought I was nearly out of the woods on Saturday but noooo...  We went off the cold meds yesterday morning in the mistaken belief we'd turned the corner but THAT only lasted for about three hours, and it certainly wasn't the best experience I've had lately.  This is well and truly The Mom of All Summer Colds.

So, it's back on my head.  I absolutely, positively HAVE to go out and run a few errands this morning... assuming I want to eat tonight and have coffee tomorrow morning, not to mention the fact the beer supply is nearly exhausted.  I'm not looking forward to this.


  1. Well, rats.

    Maybe thinking about this will make you feel better

    (Let's see how well I followed instructions!)

    Try some Mucinex -- that's what the doc recommends for Daddy when he gets a cold on top of the COPD.

  2. Screw it. There's still beer at Iowahawk!

  3. Whiskey, whiskey, Nancy whiskey...

    I so sorry for you and so glad that germs don't come through computers.

  4. Moogie's on to something. Just about all I can buy that will kick a cold's hiney anymore is Mucinex.

    Not the kind on the shelf, either...the kind you have to ask the pharmacist for, and give a driver's license and signature to buy.

    It's like the old Drixoral (that you can't get anymore)...killer on the symptoms.

  5. At least you were able to squeeze a happy hour in.

  6. What Moogie said. Mucinex - it is the thing for this kind of affliction.

    Hope you are better soon Buck.

  7. Mucinex -- have heard only good things about it from anyone who has ever used it.

    Feel like I should go get some to have in the house!

    Please get better!

  8. Man, there is little more likely to make you wish the day away than a summer cold. I feel for you, Buck. I'm sending a prayer out for you.

  9. Well, we SHALL be buying some Mucinex when we make our run out to the base this morning. Thanks Moogie, Andy, and Kris.

    And thanks for the kind thoughts, Kath, Lou, and Jim. We're feeling better this morning; I have my fingers crossed!


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