Thursday, August 05, 2010

Customer Service

This is why I like dealing with My Man Tim at cigar dot com (the thread is in reverse chronological order)...
My pleasure.  So sorry about that, but I'll take care of you!
Tim Blythe/
Sr. Account Executive                                             
(800) 357-9800 x761                                                                        

-----Original Message-----
From: Buck Pennington
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:15 PM
To: Tim Blythe
Subject: Re: Complaint!

Sounds perfect, Tim.  I saved the box but the other packaging (i.e., the cedar layer separator) went out in yesterday's trash.  I'll send the remaining 19 cigars, boxed, as soon as get the RMA.

Thanks VERY much.

Best Regards,

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Tim Blythe wrote:

Keep those cigars!  Buck - so sorry about that...  I'm sending your Deep Dishes and a return label.  Please use it to send those Partagas back to me, then I'll refund you and file a complaint with the manufacturer.
Sound good?

Tim Blythe/

Sr. Account Executive                                             

(800) 357-9800 x761                                                                        

-----Original Message-----
From: Buck Pennington
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 6:00 PM
To: Tim Blythe
Subject: Complaint!

Hey Tim,

This is the first time I've ever complained to you, but...  today I received that box of Partagas Black Label Magnificos I ordered from you last Friday.  They are UNSMOKABLE.  The cellophane on the box was broken and each and every cigar in the box is as hard as a brick.  I just tried to smoke one right this minute and nearly busted a lung trying to get a draw on the stick... it's just impossible to smoke the damned thing.  I am NOT a Happy Camper with this deal.

In the meantime... I'll be out of smokes in a couple of days so would you please send me a box of Acid Deep Dishes, soonest.  I've never had quality problems with anything from Drew Estate.

Best Regards,

In related matters... coming down with this cold was a good thing in one regard: my cigar stash survived the inconvenience of getting a bad box of cigars.  I might have run out otherwise.  See?  I'm a "glass half-full" kinda guy. 


  1. Diogenes, meet Tim. He's not only honest, he knows the meaning of "service."

    I wish Tim had brothers in a number of other industries.

  2. Tim's a jewel, Moogie.

    re: Diogenes. Didja know I lived in his purported place o' birth for a year? The base I was stationed on was called Diogenes Station. Really.

  3. Now that is how to provide top-shelf service to a customer.

    It's how it should be with all vendors and we all know that sadly, the Tim's of this world are few and so far between these days.

    So Buck, I take it the fact that you attempted to smoke the unsmokable means you are feeling better.

  4. No... I attempted to smoke the unsmokable the day before I came down with this shi'ite. I'm not out of the woods yet. FAR from it, actually. But thanks for asking!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.