Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're In Pittsburgh

And drinking beer at SN2's bar:

The drive itself was kinda-sorta the trip from Hell in that we hit a deluge of Biblical proportions.  At one point in time I was doing 45 mph in the left lane... and passing people.  I haven't seen rain like that since I was in the Pee-Eye.  Seriously.

More to follow but we are here... and we're drinkin' beer.

Photo credit:  Daughter-in-Law Alisa.



    Man, that's gotta feel good. Thanks for the update. Rest up, and dry out real good (I mean from the rain). ;)

  2. Ha ha that's great! A pile o' Penningtons palavering over a pilsner (or several). Family is where it's at.

  3. Very nice picture! Nice to see you all together.

  4. I love the bar! I'm thinking it needs a painting of a reclining belly dancer to hang behind it.

  5. Pittsburgh? It just struck me that you could look up Michelle (the Surly Writer, and a fan of the flightless birds, but otherwise she's nice.)

  6. What a handsome bunch of guys! Enjoy your visit!!

  7. Ahhh! Does my heart good to see the Pennington men all together in their natural habitat. A really nice habitat! Enjoy, and drink it all in, both beer and whatnot!

    Great photo, BTW. DIL even caught you with a grin on your face!

  8. You're lucky you weren't up here last weekend. The humidity was horrid. In the 90 degree range.

  9. Ah - now this is what it's all about. Kicking back with brews and the camaraderie of family.


  10. Andy: It DID feel good!

    Paula: Thanks for your comments.

    A pile o' Penningtons palavering over a pilsner (or several).

    A whole case, but no one was counting. Although someone SHOULD have been. Said someone shall remain nameless (and it ain't me). ;-)

    Lou: The bar is a work in progress, which is a long, long story... too long for a comment. But I LIKE your ideer.

    Jenny: Thank ya, Ma'am!

    Moogie: The grin is a rare thing... Alisa did good work!

    Michelle: It ain't exactly dry today, either... compared to Portales. But we expected this.

  11. Looks like fun. And everyone had a place to crash, so it was smart fun too.

    What a great pair of sons. Lucky you!

  12. MissBirdlegs in AL14 July, 2010 16:40

    Enjoy, Buck & Sons!! Oh, the stories that will be told... ;-)

  13. Thanks Paula... and everyone else! We had a REALLY good time last night. First time I drank at my bar; been in the house over a year and just have not had the right opportunity. This was definately the best way to "Christen" the bar.

    Thanks again everyone... I do enjoy all your comments on my Dad's blog.

  14. There's nothin' like a good "wetting down," Sam!


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