Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hockey Night in Canada's 2010 NHL Playoffs Montage, with some of the best bits of the 2010 Playoffs.  The CBC/HNIC folks know hockey like no other network on God's green earth.

Congratulations once again to the Blackhawks.  Sigh.  October is SO far away...  but WHAT a season this was!

h/t:  Kukla's Korner.


  1. “October is SO far away.”

    Look at it this way, Buck, it about the same amount of time that the playoffs took.

  2. Buck, it may seem that October is a looooooooong way off.

    But September seems even further. Sigh...

    Heh! wv: dribbled (not a wv for a short, slow, white guy like me)

  3. Small-Tee: True, if ya add a month.

    Andy: I can live until September, as college ball isn't a live-or-die thang with me. But hockey IS.

  4. Well Buck, thanks for clearing that up. I actually appreciate you reminding me that college ball ain't a live or die thing with you.

    It's best not to get your hopes up too much when you root for a "certain team." ;)

  5. "Hope Springs Eternal." A watchword among ND fans these days. Or watch-phrase. Whatevah. ;-)


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