Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Another gee-tar fave from way back... John Fahey.

I got into Mr. Fahey's music around the same time I discovered Leo Kottke, as their styles are similar.  I don't see how one could like one of these gentlemen and NOT like the other.  Once again... we're hearing Fahey as a function of listening to Pandora's Ry Cooder station.  If'n ya haven't got the hint by now... try Pandora.  It's free, unless you wanna pop for the oh-so-cheap pay version (i.e., something like 36 Yankee dollars per year and which I highly recommend), which has benefits... like uninterrupted music, commercial-free, streamed to your PC.  It's great good stuff.


In other news...of the strictly personal sort... I had a follow-up visit with my doctor today.  I don't often go on about personal problems issues as it's just not my style.  That said, we've been coping with a self-inflicted wound... Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)... for the better part of three years now.  We were recently put on medication for this condition and said medication (Advair) made us chronically hoarse, with the end result being I sound like a croaking old man.  Which I may be, come to think on it, but never was until Advair arrived on the scene.  

The good news is we're off Advair and on to Spiriva, or will be once the scrip is filled.  That will wait until the morrow, when we'll journey out to Cannon Airplane Patch to get the scrip filled.  Lord Willin' and the taxpayers don't rise, of course (about which: thank you all for supporting me in my old age and infirmity).  We're also getting set up for some sort of oxygen deprivation test, which will be run in the near future.

This is just for the record, mind you, as this blog serves a primary purpose of being my personal journal, of sorts.  Self-inflicted wounds are NOT sufficient reason to issue a cri de'coeur for sympathy.  Not in any way, shape, or form.  This simply is what it is... and something one lives with in Old Age.  Gettin' old ain't for sissies, as it's said.  Or, as a wise man once said... "If'n I'd a known I'd live this long I'd a taken better care of myself."

Yeah.  Right.  Sure.


  1. Have been on Advair for my asthma and have for a while and it seems to work well.

    But I don't smoke. In a confined space. Big fat cigars. Every day. Over a long period of time.

    Thought that dry desert air was supposed to be good for you? Well, if you don't breathe in all the dust from the wind, that is.

  2. I've smoked cigars for well over 20 years, Kath, and never had a problem with throat irritation and/or hoarseness until I began taking Advair. You don't inhale cigar smoke to begin with and I rarely smoke indoors (but I do occasionally), so the second-hand effects are minimal to nonexistent. My doctor advised this issue was a common side-effect in some people, which is why he switched me to Spiriva.

    I think the climate is quite agreeable, too, judging from all the geezers I see in this part of the world. ;-)

  3. Buck,
    The minute you mentioned one and two of those meds I became instantly aware.

    Like I regularly tell someone close, "You're transforming into a Martian."

    Stay healthy, out there!

  4. I have used Advair for asthma for about 6 years now - works great for me.

    But I do believe Spiriva is a much better med for COPD. It's relatively new and specifically for what you have Buck.

    Which - ain't no picnic either.

  5. Buck, I have a friend Max who has COPD. A long term smoker, he was diagnosed several years ago. After qutting smoking and developing a modest exercise routine, he's doing really well. Hope the Spiriva eliminates the hoarseness; otherwise you might end up sounding like Tom Waits. Or worse, Stevie Nicks!

    PS. This is the first time I've ever gotten an actual word on the word verification thing. "baker." What a thrill!

  6. MissBirdlegs in AL19 May, 2010 11:06

    I totally understand the COPD thingy - diagnosed about 18 yrs ago. So far haven't had to medicate & idiotically, still smokin'.

    I've heard it said (and I agree) that gettin' old comes at such a bad time... :-)

  7. Darryl: Martian? Who's taking the drugs... you or them? ;-)

    Kris: I'm looking forward to the new drugs. Srsly.

    Dan: I quit smoking cigarettes three years ago just because of the COPD. I'm doing OK, too. It ain't a life-threatening thing at this point, just inconvenient and annoying as Hell.

    Katy: That's pretty funny... the "timing of old age" thing. COPD ain't, tho, and I'll not lecture you about certain personal habits. But you KNOW I'm biting my tongue. ;-)

  8. Like a human traveler on Mars must bring his own; A Martian would have to carry a life support system whilst traversing our planet.

  9. Pandora rules.

    That is all.

  10. Darryl: Ah. Got it. I ain't there yet... but prolly will be in a couple o' years.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.