Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack (AKA Another Skirmish in the Guitar Wars)

Well... this is a small war, as far as wars go, given there are only three belligerents.  Be that as it may, it's a war I find worth fighting.  And to that end, there was some talk of General Vaughn on one of the fronts recently... but as far as I can tell no one has yet to mobilize SRV and bring him into the fight.  We shall change that, right now.  I give you "Riviera Paradise..."

This tune is somewhat out of character for SRV as it's laid-back to the max.  But I think this tune... above all others... shows off his guitar chops better than most.  YMMV, of course.

Minor digression.... We spent slightly less than a month in Austin during the epic 1999-2000 El Casa Móvil De Pennington US Tour (Border-to-Border, Coast-to-Coast... all three coasts, and then some).  The only reason we left Austin, actually, is we had a previous engagement (scroll down at the link) that HAD to be honored.  It was a matter of extreme duty and obligation and we do NOT regret our leaving Austin for it.  

That said... we were only in Austin for perhaps a week or less when we noticed that EVERY single bar... dive and otherwise... in the city had an autographed picture of SRV behind the bar.  Every. Single. One.  The interesting thing about this phenomenon was the barkeep would gladly explain to you, upon inquiry, exactly how said autographed picture happened to come into their possession.  Assuming the barman was "of a certain age," of course.  It really didn't matter to me if those stories were entirely factual... and sometimes I had my doubts, believe me... because they were always entertaining.  Always.

Have I ever mentioned I was headed to Austin when I arrived in P-Ville these seven years ago?  No?  Well, I was.  I might make it yet, but on the other hand I don't know if I could stand it.  The lure of 6th Street is oh-so-very strong and I'm not sure my ol' heart could take that sorta thing for an extended period of time.  A month was... ummm... exciting enough.  Oh yes indeedy... it most certainly was.


  1. Ah, the Crown Prince of Austin. Just say his name, and faces fall with universal sadness. sigh.

  2. Buck, that was BEAUTIFUL! And, I ain't talking about the SRV work...even though it was pretty okay.

    Man...I have seen photos of SN2 before, but not SN1...Dude! maybe it's my imagination, but they bear a strong resemblance. That must have been quite a day! I can hardly imagine what it would have been like to be in the mix of that. Seriously.

    I was all set to throw some steel guitar from Herb Remington that Staci suggested, or some of my own fine work that I just come up with...just the notes...not the actual pickin'...but that was just so way cool, I'm gonna go lick my wounds and come back tomorrow.

    The SRV piece was classic. The commissioning photos...priceless. (Little dude pickin' his nose is one for the ages)!

    Who was that ugly old guy in the second one? ;)

  3. And we call for the three great ... belligerents? ; D

  4. Andy -- that was just "pretty okay"? Shame on you.

    SRV is my favorite and has been since -- well, a LONG time ago, so I'm biased.

    For me, he IS the best.

  5. Kath, I meant it was pretty okay compared to the linked post...which I found to be very special.

  6. Buck, I knew this (SRV) was coming, expected it. But this selection is super. I really enjoyed it, and I'm enjoying it again right now as I type this. The youtube poster's pics are good too. You said it: in this war we all win.

  7. I had just returned to the states from Okinawa when my brother told me I had to hear this new guitarist. Then I saw the video ‘Texas Flood’. Needless to say I was blown away.

    Was privileged enough to see him live three times, the last time two weeks before he dead as he opened for Joe Cocker at an open air venue. Another he opened for Robert Plant, a rather strange combination but it worked for me. The other was the first time I saw him, he closed an all day Jazz Fest. He come out about 10pm and had to end it short because of lightening. I’m sure I wasn’t the only who thought “Hey, listening to SRV is a nice way to go”.

    If there was a god he would’ve taken the guitarist from Duran Duran or anyone of those hair band wannabee musicians.

    I highly recommend the DVD “SRV, Live at Austin City Limits”. It consists of his two appearances, one early career and the other is in his prime, clear headed, sober and absolutely smoking on that axe.

  8. Deborah: I know from whence you speak (obviously). I SO love Austin...

    Andy: Thank ya, Sir, for the kind words. That was indeed a great day, one of the finest of my life, actually. If SN1 had had the presence of mind to get commissioned a year earlier I could have been in uniform, LOL! But, nooo... I finally got rid of all that stuff the year I moved into the RV. I look better in a suit, anyway. ;-)

    Lori: If'n ya scroll down a bit there are links to Andy and Dan, the other belligerents. Well, never mind. I fixed it for ya right here.

    Kath: I knew you'd like this.

    Dan: I was torn as to which SRV tune to post... there are SO many!

    Small-Tee: You were blessed by getting to see SRV three times. I saw him once... in OKC at the Zoo Amphitheater, which was a HELLA good outdoor venue. This was in the 1984 time frame, before he was sober, but it was a damned fine show none the less, one of the peak moments of my rock 'n' roll concert-going career.

  9. I remember that post.

    We may be headed to San Antonio tomorrow. I will let you know how green the Hill Country is looking and if the margaritas are still the color of my eyes.

  10. If ya go... have a marg for me, Lou. I could use me some River Walk right about now!


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