Thursday, April 01, 2010

New To Me

Google has a new feature in its image search function... Image Swirl.  Here's what a search on Jaguar looks like, in two parts:

The first screen:

And here's what the second screen looks like:

Too cool, eh?


  1. Saw a special on teevee awhile back about Google, it’s founders, the employees, the facility…really interesting.

    Notice how simplistic the screen shots are, many companies need to study and emulate this.

    Google is the quintessential, American, free market, success story…so it shall be destroyed by Obama NOW!

  2. Google is an amazing company. I remember back in late 1998 or early 1999 when my head database programmer burst into my office and said "You GOTTA look at this!"... pushing me out of the way and commandeering my PC to bring up Google. We sat and played with various searches for about an hour before I got back to doing real work. And the rest is history, of course. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.