Friday, March 12, 2010

We Don't Often Abuse That "Fair Use" Thing... BUT...

From the WaPo's DC Sports Blog:

White House responds to "Barack the Red"

A bit more than 24 hours after Barack the Red was launched, dedicated to the mission of luring Barack Obama to a Caps game, the White House responded to the request. No, I'm not joking.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, of course, had lost an Olympic-themed bet that required him to wear a Canadian hockey jersey to his briefing on Friday, which he eventually swapped out for a USA model. Puck talk was thus in the briefing-room air, which was all the opening that some noble media soul needed. Would love to know who that soul was, incidentally.
Here's the transcript.

Read the whole thing and you might wanna chase the link to see Baghdad Bob Gibbs in a Team Canada jersey.  Or not.  Some things are just TOO much and that would be one.  Anyhoo... that said... hockey don't need The One, thank ya very much.  Stay AWAY, Mr. President.  Far, far away.  

Just sayin'.


  1. I still don't understand any of this hockey shit, Buck.

    But I'm glad it makes you happy.

  2. hockey don't need The One, thank ya very much. Stay AWAY, Mr. President. Far, far away.

    With all due respect to you Buck, I believe that should read thusly:

    America don't need The One, thank ya very much. Go away and stay AWAY, Mr. President. Far, far away.

    Apologies if this is a dupe comment. The first time it seemed as if it disappeared. But it could be the wine I had at a party tonite...

  3. Ah, Daph! Ya just gotta roll with it. It'll come to ya.

    I fixed it, Kris. And I like your edits!

  4. If Barry had his way ALL hockey games would end in 0-0 toes and ever team would be awarded the Stanley Cup.

  5. I absolutely HATE Robert Gibbs. Anti-English twat that he is. Makes me want to punch his face in every time he appears grinning about anything. Just sayin'

  6. Small Tee: Maybe... but he's more into roundball, what with drawing up his own brackets and the like.

    Alison: I'm with you. I detest that twit.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.