Saturday, March 13, 2010

More From My Friend

The same lady who sent along "Jose" below also sends this:

My friend posted this on Facebook & although I stole it & posted it too, I was afraid y'all wouldn't see it.  Absolutely hilarious!
...Only in Arab...or Blount County. This is a true story- A lady in Arab cares for a mentally challenged man in Blount County. She called to check on him before retiring to bed, night before last. He told her about his day, then before hanging up he said "by the way, I caught a troll today". She didn't think much about it at the time, because he is mentally challenged and had said some things in the past that were kind of "off the wall". Yesterday, she was unable to go by and see him, but he was still saying he had caught a troll. Today, when she went by to check on him, after chatting for a while, she asked him "now tell me about that troll". He said "oh, I've still got it!". He took her into his bedroom, and all of his furniture was pushed against the closet door and she could hear someone yelling for help. A midget Jehovah's Witness had knocked on his door two days before and he caught him. True story.
I STILL crack up every time I even think about this.
So... it's yet another beautiful day here on The High Plains of New Mexico.  I spent the best part of the morning out and about, just reveling in the warm temps and relatively calm atmosphere.  I fully expect to see my cherry tree burst into bloom any ol' day now.


  1. Man, that is hilarious! As the worldwide computer "go to" spot for "midget wrestling" searches on The Gooble...this just makes me Hee-Haw!

    Was that really a true story, Buck? I mean...I wouldn't doubt it.

    I had two elderly JW's at my door on Friday morning (what's up with that?...they usually come on Saturday), and if I were a bit more insane than I am, I'd have probably stuck them in a closet, and told my caregiver that I'd "caught two old snaggle-toothed black wimmen!"

    True story.

  2. It is a funny story - truth or not.

  3. HA. This is funny as hell!

    I talk to a troll evey weekday. He claims he is my boss, but I'm not buying it. lol

  4. Andy and Lou: I can't vouch for the story's verity, but I trust the source.

    RLM: I've known trolls like that of which you speak! Lots of 'em, too.

  5. hmm... while one hand says... HILARIOUS... the other hand that was a former JW who did go door to door and endured terrible abuse because of it, is cringing. Terribly.

  6. KC: I hear ya about war stories.

    Andy: BAD?

  7. Yeah Buck, it was BAD. I done my share of missionary work in my life (not JW), as did a couple of my boys.

    I shouldn't have written what I did. btw: I'm not Mormon.

  8. Yeah Buck, it was BAD.

    I don't think so. Would you feel the same way about the joke if the abductee were a Fuller brush salesman, a midget woman flogging Mary Kay, or a gas meter reader? Probably not. The joke was good; we can't be held responsible for the goring of individual oxen.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.