Tuesday, February 02, 2010


There are PC people and there are Mac people.  We've all seen the "I'm a PC.  And I'm a Mac" ads.  They're cute.  Stereotyped, but cute.  Cool hipster Mac and frumpy PC.

And then there's the iPod, the iPhone, and the iStore.  And now the iPad.  Witness the Wizard of Cupertino and his Hobbit minions at the iPad intro last week:

"Beautiful!" "Incredible!" "Awesome!" "Exceptional!"  I wanna throw up.  God save us from Apple.  They're a frickin' cult.

I'm a PC.

Update, noonish:  Oh shit, oh dear.  From the bunker, yet again.

I don't why I post these things.  Really I don't.


  1. We just got a mac a few weeks ago, never touched one in the past. Just figured we would give it a go, change things up a bit. It's a damn fine machine. I suppose there really is something obnoxious about the fawning fanhood of the "Apple Culture," but as a straight up evaluation of the mac as a computer, I would have to give it two big thumbs up.

  2. Probably missing the point, as I am sometimes prone to do, but I don't understand the iPad. And it's kind of geeky big to walk around with, isn't it?

    I'm such a noncomputerized person, I can only do work stuff. The rest of it is a little murky for me.

  3. I'm a PC by day, an iMac by night.

    Two HUGE thumbs up for my iMac. Amazingly powerful. Makes all the little annoying things about PC magnified 100X.

    That said - I don't buy into the Apple Culture. Sure they turn out pretty gadgets that reallly do run well and have amazing capabilities.

    So do alot of other industries.

    Though I will confess that I'm about to switch to a pair of iPhones for The Oracle and myself.

  4. I have fought to remain a PC at home, but I do love my iPhone. The Mac laptop we got our kids just pisses me off, though.

    And I'm with Kath -- I don't get the iPad.

  5. I'm not down on Macs as computers, I'm down on the Fanboi culture surrounding the products. One has to give Jobs his due, tho... he's done a REMARKABLE job (heh) of marketing. I like the industrial design excellence of Apple products, too. All THAT said... it'll be a cold day in Hell before I'll own any of that stuff. I don't wanna be mistaken for a Fanboi.

    Kath and Moogie: One way to look at the iPad is that it's a color Kindle, on steroids.

  6. And I've heard good things about the Kindle, but the image that always pops in my head is like -- remember when "cell phones" first came out? Like on Charlie's Angels and stuff they had those huge phones? (It's hilarious now to see them, even tho they were super cool then.)

    That's what I think of when I see that iPad and the Kindle a bit, too.

  7. Heh! I'm so behind stuff, I don't even have a cell phone. But, my old buddy from High School (a freakin' genius...trust me), and also a blogger posted about the Ipad a few days ago.

    He made me guffaw. He posted the picture of the big unveiling on stage, and wrote something like, "I'm not sure that this is gonna work. Jeez! Look at the size of that thing!"

  8. "HitlerBunkerYouTube" has become kinda like...I would say exactly like...a trashy tabloid tab with the latest news about Brangelina on the cover.

    You wanna look away...you wanna...you wanna...you know you should..........but.......

    (Dots emit carbon. Algore's ticked at me!)

  9. Kath: I might buy me a Kindle when they get cheaper. The concept appeals to me. And yeah, we laugh about those old cell phones now but they sure were cool in the way-back.

    Any: You don't have a cell phone? You Luddite, you! I don't have a land-line...

    Morgan: You're right about the Hitler thing. I hate 'em, yet I ALWAYS watch the latest ones...

  10. That poor actor. He was brilliant in that scene too.

    I have a macbook pro and love it. I work on a PC and that's just fine. I have an iphone, it's very useful. I am a little biased on the design simplicity because the beauty of mac was designed by a Brit and they certainly owe their massive success to the man.

    But the ipad is the most overhyped BS ever. It serves no useful purpose and does not fill the gap Mac so hyped. People will buy this oversized iphone though. With the seriously awful name!

    Seeing a friend of mine go batshit crazy simply because it's a mac, and no other reason, is actually turning me off the products. It's daft.

  11. Alison sez: Seeing a friend of mine go batshit crazy simply because it's a mac, and no other reason, is actually turning me off the products. It's daft.

    Eggs-zactly. I used to have an in-law in the way-back who was a SERIOUS Mac bigot. The guy just could not shut up about the wonderfulness of the Mac. Like I said, it's a cult for some people.

    RLM: Heh.


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