Friday, February 05, 2010


Apropos of the linkage below... an update:
My friend Don is a private pilot and he just sent me this shot of a local distress signal. These people are obviously in dire straights. I wish I could help them somehow.

Heh.  That wasn't me.  First of all, we hit 60 degrees here today (or thereabouts) and we took our Happy Hour on the verandah... sans jacket; clad only in a sweatshirt.  Levis, too.  And shoes.  Second of all, we don't have that many trees here in Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park.  Third of all, we have beer.  Lots of it too, but not as much as we had before Happy Hour began.


  1. Hey Buck! I was pinching that photo, and noticed the site it came from.

    There are some good shots over there. Those poor folks are getting murdered.

  2. You didn't see my other two links to the blog, Andy?

  3. Ran past 'em. I'm pathetic. Trust me, I am.

  4. If that was more ice rather than snow and oak trees rather than evergreens, it could have been OK.

  5. Lou: You guys DID get it bad, dint ya?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.