Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Heh - Massachusetts Edition


  1. Heh.

    Being born in MA I feel a strong sense of personal pride in what the people of that state have done - potentially for the rest of the country.

    The American Revolution began in a harbor in MA. It would seem that a 2nd revolution may have begun in the entire state.

    My boss has been in a foul mood off and on for weeks - work pressures, etc...the usual b.s. He too is originally from MA. This morning I reminded him we had reason to be in a celebratory mood today.

    He paused, then said you're right we do. And he's been smiling ever since; he told me a while ago that while getting his lunch he nearly started laughing out loud.

    It's a good day today.

  2. Heh! You can literally knock me over with a feather. I never believed that it would happen. I didn't believe the polls that had Brown up. And, to win with that margin in!

    I imagine that we can attribute some of it to just how pitiful Coakley was. But, man!

    I guess we can't call it Dumassachusetts (at least today). Hey, I'm waiting for the day that folks can't call it "Lousyanna."

    Good on 'em. Those hundred thousand (or so...I didn't see the final numbers) that made the margin may have saved us for a while. We shall C.

  3. Does my heart good to see the mood change in these parts, for the better.

    It is as I've been telling you for quite awhile now: A cycle. We have this ferocious independent spirit in America, and this is the source of our prosperity. As we prosper, we get it in our heads that the purpose of life must be to get entertainment. We don't all fall for this, of course...but voting is a game of statistics.

    And it's the nature of power -- not a Republican/democrat thing -- that when leaders see the hoi polloi becoming complacent, they start to say "Hey what can we do to make them even MORE dependent?" Thank God, you can't go too far down that road without assuming the form and shape of an aspirant aristocratic layer of strata...and if there is one thing Americans will always loathe, it is aristocracy. Even our liberals, for the most part, aren't that liberal at all, they're conflicted. They want someone to make all the hard decisions for them and save them from all the headaches, until it actually happens.

    It bears repeating: Your happyness happys me. Makes my day seeing you with an extra pep in your step. It's been a bleak twelve months.

  4. This hopey-changy thing is still going on!! And the spin is getting so bad that the government (all of it) has lost sight of what is important. Us!

  5. Kris: It IS a good day, indeed. I'm glad you were able to change your boss'es mood.

    Andy: I'm with you in that I thought Coakley would pull it out in a squeaker. There are a LOT of old-line Libs in Bahston and I thought they'd get scared enough to pull her through. Surprise!

    Morgan: Yeah, it's a cycle and I've seen more than a few of 'em. The pendulum never quits swinging; it was just a matter of time before it swung back our way. This past year HAS been depressing, but we're off to a good beginning this year.

    RLM: I find watching the Dems twist, turn, and spin to be funny at the moment. A lot of 'em are in denial, too. Which may be a good thing, coz a lot of 'em are going to be out of office come November. Just keep denying, Dudes and Dudettes... we're comin'.

  6. MissBirdlegs in AL20 January, 2010 15:53

    Saw this as a status on FB & had to steal it, 'cause I LOVE it: Obama has created three jobs that I can now confirm - A Governor in New Jersey, another in Virginia, and a Senator in Massachusetts."



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