Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Just For the Record

SN1 pinned on major yesterday in a ceremony held in front of an A-10 at Kandahar.  We knew of the circumstances surrounding the event and were expecting photos in our mail today, but alas... none materialized.  Which doesn't mean there aren't any, of course.  We managed to find one such, as a matter of fact... on SN1's blog.  Which we stole and will publish here.  Without authorization.  Major Pennington is third from the right:

So... sue me.  (Blogger doesn't do emoticons, so you'll have to visualize a smiley-faced thingie here.)

Today's minor mystery:  who are those women in civilian clothes and what are they doing in a war zone?  Blackwater?  Halliburton?  A-10 tech reps?  (visualize yet another smiley-faced thingie here)


  1. Congrats!! I know you must be a proud daddy!

  2. Congrats to the Major!!! Such an awesome achievement - you must be one deservedly-proud daddy!

    The Oracle would be seriously jealos about the A-10 - it's his absolute favorite bit of plane pr0n.

    Word verification: mensh...

    Is that a remark?!

  3. Major Pennington! Whoohoo! Congrats all around.

    I steal pics from Jesse's blog all the time - it is okay by me.

  4. A big congrats! Is he going to change his moniker to AFMAJBuck now?

    Good to see that some deserving officers still get promoted.

    Word Verification: "wingless"...kind of ironic, huh?

  5. Thank you all, and I'm sure Buck thanks you, too.

    BR: He changed the name of his blog on the masthead and his personal e-mail addy, too. So, yeah.

  6. A hearty THANK-YOU to all. Appreciate the sentiments, more than you know!

    To answer the question regarding the lovely ladies:

    Air Force Audit Agency.

    They "lived" in our tent while deployed here conducting follow-up audits and new audits on our operations. Don't ask for the verdict. We are not a money making endeavor. We actually renamed our tent to the AFAA tent, to shamelessly try to curry favor with them. Word is it didn't work out for the audited, but they love the MX group! In order, from left to right, Pam, Amy and Brittany. Pam and Amy are "stationed" at Ramstein, while Brittany currently calls Warner-Robins home.

    We'll miss them as they left just today. They stuck around, just for my promo party. Wonder how that would play in the audit??


    Word verification: deepadi: A truly meaningful email address...like mine!

    SN1...aka AFMAJBUCK out...

  7. So were the non-alcoholic beers on you or is that being saved for a region free from the tyranny of GO1? ;-)


  8. Buck: I was gonna remark that they are fine looking women, indeed, but didn't want the commentariat to think I'm sexist or anything... Your two young distaff TSgts are pretty cute, too. Just sayin'.

  9. Congratulations to both Penningtons! Fine stuff all round.. Onward and upward!

    "Up into the air, Jr. Birdmen! Up into the air Air Force too!"

    GuessSN1 isn't a "JR" birdman any more, eh? :)

    (Tell him that pistole he's packin' looks pretty good on 'em! :) )


Just be polite... that's all I ask.