Wednesday, December 16, 2009

In the "Time Marches On" Category...

Great-grandson Taurean turned two yesterday.  I received the formal second birthday portraits last evening from Mom Amanda and wowzers! ... are they ever cute!  A sample:

Dontcha love the hat?

Major cuteness is a family trait when it comes to SN2 and DIL Alisa's offspring... witness this collection of newborn Taurean snaps with Aunts Ava and Angelina.  It's hard to believe that was only two short years ago.  Time does fly, indeed.


  1. Dang Buck! I have two thoughts.

    1) He is just too cute for words.

    2) You're OLD! Great Grandson? Maybe I misunderstood.

    Dontcha love those little boys? I'm glad we never had a little gal. I'm quite sure I'd have killed a teenage boy, or three.

    I'm looking forward to the day that I can post photos of my Great-grandson. For now, I'll just have to enjoy yours...

  2. Great Grandson? Maybe I misunderstood.

    Nope. Taurean is one of three great-grandkids, and the oldest. We Penningtons tend to breed early... get it out of the way and all that, so we can enjoy our dotage. ;-)

    But then some of us lose that perspective and continue to produce offspring into our 50s... (sigh)

  3. Way cute. If he isn't a model, he should be.

  4. OK, there should be a law against children being that adorable. He's got such squish-able cheeks! His whole face is one big dimple.

  5. Jim and Kris; Thank ya! I know I'm biased... but Baby T (which he won't be called much longer) IS cute!

  6. I can't believe it has been two years! And he is so stinkin' cute - having seen photos of his mom and grandpa, I'm not amazed.

  7. Okay! My first calf hit the ground when I was 3 days into my 21st year. But, my Momma had us 4 kids by the time she was 25.

    I understand the early reproduction dealie. Those are the prime childbearing years for gals, after all.

    Great Grandchildren...hmmm...I doubt I'll ever get even ONE grandchild. (Long story)

    You are blessed! Merry Kwanzaa...

  8. What a cutie!!! Those cheeks!! LOL!

  9. Thank you all, again!

    Andy: Early-breeding used to be the norm in the way-back... as you said, prime child bearing years. I suppose that's still true in certain segments of the population, too.

  10. Oh he is just a little doll!

  11. Those eyes have the look of a happy child!! He looks like he may be capable of a bit of mischief around the house!

    He is a cutie. :)


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