Sunday, December 06, 2009

For the Record, Part Deux

Videos of SN1's pinning earlier this week.  Be advised there's a LOT of jet noise in the videos - the ceremony was held on the ramp at Kandahar, and there are a LOT of comings and goings.

Part One (A speech by Col. Hopkins (Buck's boss), the pinning, and administration of the oath):

Part Two (Buck's comments and congratulations from his peers and subordinates):

Text accompanying the vids:
B-roll of a ceremony held for the promotion of Capt. Ivan Pennington to the rank of Major in Afghanistan. Scenes include speeches being made at the ceremony, Maj. Pennington receiving his new rank, Maj. Pennington being congratulated by fellow service members and Maj. Pennington posing for pictures. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Rachelle Anderson.
Well done, TSgt Anderson... Thank you!


  1. Buck, I counted (by ear) 1 AH-64 Apache and at least 1 C-17, there might have been a second in there. I do love those combat photographers, we were able to find 4 different pictures of my SN2 and one B-roll video of him on patrol all shot by Marine Combat Photographers.

    I love it when prior enlisted do well in the O-corps. The best Officers I ever served with were almost all prior E's.

    Congratulations to your Son!!

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

    Word Verification: berepho - say it fast: bere pho, I thought there was something funny about that cheese!!

  2. Congrats!!!

    And,Buck, tell the truth, how many times have you watched it? Bec. that second video is just too cute. (And touching and sweet and every other proud parent moment word!!)

  3. Wow - how awesome is technology. Congrats again to SN1 and Buck - proud moment indeed.

  4. Congratulations, Major Pennington! W00t!

  5. Can't wait to be able to listen to it with sound (can't while im in the office) but just wanted to seize the moment to say congratulations! You must be very proud

  6. Congrats to SN1 and to a very proud Dad!

  7. Congratulations all the way around! And I thought the "comings and goings" were quite apropos!

    Now, go sew those buttons back on that popped off when the full chest-pride thing came over you.

    Job well-done, one and all!

  8. Jimmy sez: The best Officers I ever served with were almost all prior E's.

    I'll echo that. You rarely find a Mustang that doesn't "get it."

    Kath sez: ...tell the truth, how many times have you watched it?

    The first one? Once. Too much ambient noise in that one. But the second one? Four times and counting... ;-)

    Kris, Christina, Glenn, and Moogie: Thank Ya!! All y'all are SO good to (and for) me.

  9. How exciting for you (and us) to get to see this!!! Thank you for sharing. Congratulations Major!!!

  10. I haven't watched the second video yet because the puter is very slow tonight. But congratulations to your son. I know you are very proud of him.

  11. A hearty congratulations, Major Pennington!

    Whose head is bigger right now, Buck, your's are SN1's? :)

  12. I managed to watch the whole video this morning. You know, I don't think I have ever seen a video of SN1 - only still shots. He is a hunk - that Irma is one lucky lady. And that part about my father "shapes my thinking" - how cool is that!


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