Friday, November 06, 2009

And the Winnah Is...

All the returns are in... except perhaps for an absentee ballot or two... and it's Happy Hour by unanimous vote (2 - 0; we have a very small precinct)!  The polls are now officially closed.

I mean... how could I not?  It's beautiful outside and we might even be able to remain outdoors after sunset.  Wow.  This is good!


  1. Enjoy, Buck. I may be having one myself once I get home.

  2. Did my absentee ballot not make the cutoff? Darn ships mail anyway!

  3. BR: Ah... but there's no election fraud at play here, since we all (all three of us) voted the same way.

    Andy: Happy Hour was most good indeed here on The High Plains (yadda, yaddda). I hope your's works out as well.

  4. "... but there's no election fraud at play". I guess ACORN must not be involved then.

    That's it! I'm stopping at the grocery store on the way home tonight and buying a six pack of something good.

    Enjoy Happy Hour, my friend.

  5. Polishing off one of your faves right now, Buck: NB Fat Tire. Sometimes I liek it more than others, now is one of those times.

  6. We have had some good weather here - great for taking walks and enjoying the fall colors.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.