Friday, October 09, 2009

On Today's Big Story

From an e-mail I sent to a friend this morning:
Sorry for the delayed response. We did Happy Hour, then dinner, then too much teevee, followed by a tossy-turny night of sleeplessness. And what's the FIRST thing I see this morning? The One is now a Nobel Laureate. If ever there was even a scintilla of doubt in one's mind that this "prize" is worthless... beyond the money and the melt-down value of the medal itself... there shouldn't be now. Kee-rist.
I've spent the time it's taken to consume my first two cups of coffee reading links from memeorandum on this non-event. Of all the things I've read so far, Jules Crittenden and the WSJ come closest to what I feel.  They must have world-class drugs in Oslo.  And lotsa Kool-Aid.


  1. When an organization gives a peace prize to the likes of Yasser Arafat or Mohamed Elbareidi - I believe it's safe to say that the organization has jumped the shark.

  2. I lost alot of respect for this award when algore "won" it. Now all credibility has gone out the window.

  3. Agreed 100%, Ladies. Travesty, defined.

  4. Telegraph did two great sarky write ups on this. Made my day :P

    Oh and then I read there are Al Qaeda operatives at CERN ffs. FFS!

    I need a beer

  5. I just poured one Alison. ;-)

    I've decided this is funny as hell, anybody with two brain cells still functioning knows it's absolutely ridiculous and further undermines any shred of credibility the Peace Prize had left.


  6. "They must have world-class drugs in Oslo."

    Yea, and I'm thinking at this point I need some of them.

  7. When I heard the news this morning, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or throw up.

    Then I remembered all the "illustrious" people who have won this award -- Jummy Carter, Al Gore, Yassir Arafat -- and yet Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have not won it -- that reminded me the whole reward is bogus -- and I have been laughing ever since.

  8. You just can't make this stuff up. As I noted in my post today --I'm renouncing my husband's Viking ancestry. Probably.

    Pour another one for me, Daphne!

  9. There are three ways to do something. The right way. the wrong way. The Norwegian Way. Take it from a Nordske, we do on occasion really know how to screw the pooch!The mother country did it really good this time!
    GM Cassel
    US Navy

  10. I seriously thought it was a joke this morning on my home page news. Toby thinks there should be SNL skits made from this: Obama winning an Academy Award. Obama being drafted by the Chicago Bulls,etc.

  11. "Toby thinks there should be SNL skits made from this: Obama winning an Academy Award. Obama being drafted by the Chicago Bulls,etc."

    Reason did a pretty good take on this(especially considering the short was up within an hour or two of the announcement). It uses archival footage of Obama coupled with a newsreader stating what award he has won now...for example, they state he won the NBA MVP award for the 2010-2011 season, and then play the footage of his infamous basketball shot while visiting the troops. IIRC they had him given a geographic award ("57 states"), the aforementioned MVP award, a Tony award, a Heisman, and a couple other awards. (No Nobel Economic Prize, though...:-p)

    Here's a link

  12. Alison: I read the Telegraph piece and other op-eds from the UK, and all were spot on. The Norwegians made themselves look like fools.

    Daphne: You are oh-so-correct, Madam.

    Small-Tee: Well, beer worked for me!

    Sharon: Yeah, it IS to laugh. Yet, still...

    Moogie: I poured one for ya! Drank it, too. :p

    Glenn: I think I'd keep my heritage under wraps for the next few days, were i you. :D

    Lou: What Mike said... But you KNOW SNL is gonna do something on this tonite. I might even watch.

    Mike: Thanks for that link.... it was LOL-funny!

  13. Yeah, Mike, thanks for the link - very funny. My Toby is pretty funny too.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.