Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Buck!

SN1 is 43 today... doing his bit to make his Dear Ol' Da feel like what he truly is, i.e., The OLD Man.  But what goes around comes around and I would be remiss if I didn't remind all both you Gentle Readers SN1 is a grandfather.  Payback, and all that.

The pic is the most recent one we could find (given we're tired of posting his Official USAF Mug Shot, which we've used for the last two years running)... and that would be Buck standing on the deck of the control tower at Joint Base Balad, back in November of last year.  Good looking dude, ain't he?


  1. Pass along a happy birthday from me.

    Speaking of SN1, I've been meaning to ask if you could find out when he went through AMOC and with what class. Dunno if his class picture would still be up but given the plethora of them in the hallway where the break room is I suspect it still might be. Figured I'd track it down just to see what Lt Pennington looking like.

  2. Mike: I did just that and got the following in response:

    I tried to respond in your comments, but my box was having issues this morning...if you could pass this bit along, or in your comments, I'd appreciate it!

    Thanks to Mike too! Our class pic should still be on the wall. Graduated on Feb 14, 2001. Mike, give Capt Johnson crap for me...ask her if she's ever going to return my jacket...

    So there ya go. And you have a tasking, too. :D

  3. Pass along a Happy Birthday from me too, Buck!

    He's my age, but I'm not a Grandpa yet. I'm not rushing any of my kids in that department, either!

  4. Happy Birthday, SN1!

    And, you, Buck - I had forgotten that you were a great grandpa. You look pretty good for someone so ancient :-)

  5. You'll have to help me out with who Capt Johnson is...they keep us Muns guys in the basement like the red-haired stepchildren we are. :-p

  6. Yes he is! And you're not old Buck!

  7. Mike: Hopefully Buck will come back on your question. I obviously can't help. :D

  8. Happy Birthday, Buck the Younger!

    Please, God...don't make me a grandma anytime soon!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.