Friday, July 10, 2009

I Can't Top This...

... so I'll just point you to Ann Althouse's "2 world leaders demonstrate the 2 ways of conspicuously gawking at a woman's ass" which is all about the photo above. Seriously. That's the title of her post. And whereas one might think she's over thinking things a bit... her analysis is right on the money in my book.

Don't miss the comments, as there are some seriously funny quips and great links in there.


  1. After watching the video, I don't think Obama was giving the girl the once over. Now the French guy is definitely looking at her bum. Still, it is very funny.

  2. Well, there's no doubt he's a heterosexual male, unless he's jealous.

    Nah. Sorry. He's looking at her bum. He is.

    I'd be.

    On the other hand, I'm sure the bulk of his supporters feel he's "above" this. Which makes me ... smile.

  3. He's looking...first normal thing Barry has done since being crowned King of America.

    Still have no use for him, but at least he's normal in this sense...despite what the Video purports to show, he is taking a quick peek, while the French Prez is doing the George Castanza. "Get a Good Look Castanza?"

  4. Hey Buck, having a good weekend?

    Why would the media post this picture if it was real? Would the reason be a smokescreen to obscure the fact that our President is up to no good out there?

    I'm not going to jump on the President because he might have had his head pointing the wrong way when some nice looking lady walks by.

    I'm not falling for the smokescreen.

  5. Eww - she's only 16 or 17.

    And I do think they are both looking - they are men. Don't mean to impugn all men with that comment but y'all know it's largely true.

  6. I've seen the video and I'm still not convinced he's not looking at her. What I'm really wondering is why the hell do I care? I am curious about why the O-loving media did promote this... something's going on.

  7. Yep, Pigs!! At least they kept their tongues in their heads. And Yes, I would have been busted too!!

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  8. ALL men look, except for some interior decorators and the like. Some are more blatant about it than others, some get caught, and some are sneaky about it. But we ALL look, all the time. And women are mostly glad for it, too.

    Kris: 16 or 17 is quite legal in most parts of the world. Based on the anecdotal evidence in the photo I would have looked, too. Not gawked, mind you, just looked. I rarely ask for a woman's birth certificate before I check out her finer points.

    A couple of you mentioned smokescreens. I'm thinking it was just a rather slow news day.

  9. Yeah she is kind of too young so it's borderline. Worse though. They're both sooo damn yeeuck. Women are only glad for it if the fellas worth it Buck!

  10. BTW - Been discussing your photo posts with a mate of mine this weekend. Showed him your photos etc I guess we're unclear about whether you have shot the photos within exactly the same frame aswell as same settings and then tried dialling up the magnification to 200%+? That's really about the only way you would see a difference as in short there is little difference at the level you are showing below between the two cameras. I have G10 as well as my Sony SLRs so know what you mean. You got us going though - we're running all sorts of experiments now! Maybe worth a post this week as soon as I get a chance. Be good to share some views with you and vice versa. Summer's great for this kinda thing :) Ill be in France in 2 weeks time so can throw a compare contrast post up then and you can tell me what you think.

  11. I guess we're unclear about whether you have shot the photos within exactly the same frame aswell as same settings and then tried dialling up the magnification to 200%+?

    I tried to duplicate the settings in between the two cameras in as much as possible, but some variation still exists.

    I'll be looking forward to your posts from France (while wishing I was there, too!). I'd be hard-pressed to name a country with more photo opportunities, but the UK is at least France's equal. Had to say that, yanno. :D


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