Sunday, June 07, 2009

♫♪ What Else Can I Be? All Apologies... ♫♪

With apologies (heh) to Kurt Cobain (RIP).

Is Ramirez right, or what?
And now we'll complain about the weather... for which I apologize, coz apologies are ALL the rage.
Yesterday was not a particularly nice day here on The High Plains of New Mexico, what with the evil combination of mid-90 degree temps and the gawd-awful wind. I don’t mind one or the other, but I DO mind both. The primary reason I take exception to the combination of wind and heat is I cannot put my awning down when the wind is high; otherwise I wouldn’t have an awning. For long. And that means El Casa Móvil De Pennington sits in full-sun for the entire afternoon, which in turn stresses my air conditioning. Think of a car sitting in a parking lot on a hot summer’s day and you’ve grasped the problem.
We’ll have more of the same today, unfortunately. Here’s what we look like right now…
And here’s what the kind folks at the NWS in Albuquerque tell us:
Issued by The National Weather Service
Albuquerque, NM
9:43 am MDT, Sun., Jun. 7, 2009
... wind advisory remains in effect until 7 pm MDT this evening...
A wind advisory remains in effect until 7 pm MDT this evening.
West to southwest winds will increase by early afternoon over much of eastern New Mexico. Wind speeds of 25 to 35 mph with occasional gusts up to 50 and 55 mph will be possible. These strong winds will create areas of blowing dust which may briefly reduce visibility at times. Winds are expected to decrease in speed by sunset.
(sigh) Every region has its weather-crosses to bear… wind and heat are ours. There are redeeming qualities, given the wind dies down after sunset and that’s a Good Thing. We delayed Happy Hour yesterday until after the game was over… and then we went out into the cool of the evening and enjoyed four fingers of single-malt and a cigar. Our hair was only slightly mussed when we returned indoors.


  1. I'm liking your cartoons more and more. This one right on!

    Heh on the weather. I could do without the wind as well.

  2. Ya, the wind is a real PITA. It's picked up quite a bit in the last hour or so... out this way, anyhoo. Warm, too! :D

  3. Love Love Love the cartoon! Ramirez is usually spot on.

    Yeah, all regions have the weather cross to bear. It was 60 degrees when we got home from vacation last Tuesday. Today it was in the mid 80s. Tomorrow? Low 70s.

  4. We have had some hellacious winds this spring. Then as if someone turned them off on Memorial Day, we have had very little - and we have been wanting to try the new catamaran. That changed yesterday.

  5. Wild Thing is dry (alcohol-wise) and I had just talked myself into delaying a run to town to restock until tomorrow when I read your post...not sure my resolve will hold...

  6. The next stop on the Great BO Apology Tour should be Wichita to say how sorry he is for causing so many in the Corporate Jet business to loose their jobs. Course he should start by apologizing for being a hypocrite for bad mouthing the use of corporate jets all the while letting congress continue to use them (putting a severe strain on Air Forces assets with no thought of replacing them) oh, and of course his use of them as well (and I am not talking about AF1 either).

    But, that is the siren song of that political party, singing two different tunes out of the same mouth.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  7. I do HEART Ramirez - I look forward to his cartoons!

    Sorry about your weather... our is still on the cold side and LOTS of rain - especially for the desert - very, very weird!

  8. We've been having the wind issues as well. I thought I'd be blown away on Friday, and my little car got tossed around on the freeway a bit, had to have a strong grip on the steering wheel.

  9. Kris: I always think "snow" when it comes to your regional WX-cross! :D

    Ann: I see from your Tweets that you folded. What was the deal with the tequila store? Closed?

    Jimmy: I hear ya about the corporate jet thing. It's too damned bad certain CEOs didn't have the stones to raise a middle finger to The One. I notice our celebrities don't seem to giving up THEIR jets.

    Cynthia: Lotsa rain in the desert IS strange. We've had a bit out this way as well, but not enough.

    Christina: I stay in when our winds get up. It's just NOT nice outside, mostly because of the blowing dust.

  10. Lou: I hope Jesse's feeling better today... and our wind has died down quite a bit today.

  11. Heh...yes, I folded big time :)!

    On the way to Casa Tequila, I stopped at C-A-L Ranch supply to replenish treats and toys for the fur ones and asked about Casa Tequila but the young woman did not know and I was tired and there was an Albertson's (grocery) and I remembered that NV might be on the liberal side as far as alcohol sales so asked and yes, the grocery had everything...and it did and Maker's Mark bourbon, a fav of mine was nearly $10 cheaper even with tax and some fav wine on sale.

    Today found that Casa Tequila is empty and there wasn't much clue to what it was.

  12. Ann: It stands to reason NV would have lower prices than MT... to me, at least.

    And Maker's Mark... Mmmmm. :D

  13. I always heard it was a "dry" heat, the implication being that it was somehow more bearable than the humid variant that plagues us all summer.

    The older I get, the more my once-cherished myths are destroyed.


  14. Dave: It IS a dry heat, and it ain't all that bad if the wind isn't blowing to beat the band... and you can find some shade. Believe me, I know the difference, having spent considerable time down on the Gulf Coast and in SE Asia! :D

  15. Ramirez is always right - that's why he's so good.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.