Saturday, June 06, 2009


Sixty-five years ago today. All images as captioned in the Life Magazine photo archives.

Tracer fire from many different ships lighting up the night sky over the English Channel during opening phase of D-Day, the Allied invasion of France. (no credit)

American B-26 Marauders with special D-Day markings make a bombing run over Cherbourg around the time of the Allied D-Day invasion of France. (Frank Scherschel)

Aerial view of American troops and tanks coming ashore as landing craft continue to unload on the first day of Operation Overlord, the invasion of France, aka on D-Day. (no credit)

Massive landing and deployment of US troops, supplies and equipment in the days following victorious D-Day action on Omaha Beach; barrage balloons guard against German aircraft while scores of ships unload men & material. (no credit)

Bodies of 8 American paratroopers lie outside the wreckage of their glider near Hiesville, France on the day of the invasion of Normandy, aka D-Day. (no credit)

Chaplin saying mass aboard HMS Scylla, laying at anchor off the Normandy coast shortly after the D-Day invasion of France. (no credit)

As always... click for larger. And spare a thought and a prayer today for those who made the ultimate sacrifice 65 years ago. There were many thousands who gave their lives for freedom on this day...


  1. Incredible, honourable, brave, tragic.

    Thank you for finding those photos. Makes these commemorations all the more poignant.

  2. Great photos!
    It was an amazing DDay - especially following the Twitters coming from the ground from our soldiers and from citizens of many countries...

    I will ever be humbled by these men and the actions there...

  3. I remain in awe. Thank you for posting the photographs. (Saying "pix" would seem just wrong.)

  4. Truly the "Greatest Generation".

    No finer service men and women have ever, or ever will again, existed.

  5. Alison: I apprecited yourpost on the occasion, as well. Thank you.

    Cynthia: Thanks for the re-tweets. I followed a lot of the links you put up.

    Phil: and thank YOU for looking at them. All of the photos at the "Life" link are SO very good.

    Buckskins: I'm kinda partial to the current generation, as well. They, too, have done remarkable things with much less support from the general public, as compared to WW II.

    But there's no denying that the Greatest Generation... was.

  6. I also caught a bit on news last night. The local channel was interviewing a D-Day survivor - wow! He made it home to run the family store here in OK, and here he stayed.


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